Redefining Evangelism
Doug Nuenke shares his advice and encouragement in light of recent research about how adults respond to evangelism.… Continue Reading

Coffee, Mountain Dew, and Multiplication
What fills you? Instead of listening to your words, watch your actions. When you feel down, where do you turn? There is your savior.… Continue Reading

A Church of Disciplemakers
Pastor Cliff is training and equipping generations of new disciplemakers in the community where he was born and raised—Brooklyn, New York.… Continue Reading

Discipled Through the Battle: Life-to-Life with Mental Illness
Sometimes, Life-to-Life discipleship forges a brother-bond. Sometimes, discipleship shoulders the weight of the world.… Continue Reading

A Heritage of Prayer: Lessons from Lorne Sanny
During my first year on staff with The Navigators Eagle Lake Camps in 1996, we did a Bible study on prayer...… Continue Reading

Prayers for Strength: Lifesaving Truths from God
God provided help in that (and every) season, and continues to do so. His grace sustains us with timely promises and answers to prayer.… Continue Reading

Compton Summer Training Program Reflects Kingdom Unity
It was one of the most diverse Summer Training Programs The Navigators has seen, and one of the first in the Los Angeles area… Continue Reading

Share the Feast: Becoming a Disciplemaker
When Kristen* and her husband returned from a three-year overseas Air Force assignment, she was hungry to grow spiritually.… Continue Reading

Biblical Foundations for Generational Disciplemaking
Perhaps the most distinctive characteristic of The Navigators is our commitment to intentional, generational disciplemaking.… Continue Reading

The Power of God to Change a Life
When Nate bought an old laptop computer from Patti Damiani, both Patti and her husband, Lou, were prompted to pray for Nate… Continue Reading