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The Bridge to Life | The Navigators Bible Study Resource | Working through the Bridge to Life illustration on a table

The Bridge to Life

When you’re not sure if friends have surrendered their lives to Christ yet, the Bridge to Life is a great way to help them make that decision.

How to Have a Daily Quiet Time | The Navigators Bible Study Resources | A woman relaxing in a green garden

How to Have a Daily Quiet Time

Most Christians firmly believe in the importance of spending daily time in God’s Word and in prayer, yet, so many of us struggle to do either consistently.

A mixed race women reads a large Bible / textbook while seated at table outdoors at a coffee shop.

How to Study The Bible

As we grow in Christ, it’s important that we learn how to study the Bible for ourselves and not depend solely on the instruction of others.

| A multi-ethnic group of high school age students are sitting together reading the Bible together during a Bible study.

The Names of Jesus

In the Scriptures, names reflected a person’s character. Learn what Jesus’ names tell us about Him through this helpful study guide.

library books on shelves

Discipleship Library

Discipleship Library puts free access to 50+ years of audio files of sermons and studies at your fingertips.

How to Memorize Scripture | Navigators Bible Study Resource | Woman reading the bible

How to Memorize Scripture

If you or a friend are inspired to memorize Scripture but aren’t sure where to start, this resource is the perfect launching point to begin “hiding God’s Word in your heart” (Psalm 119:11).

The Prayer Hand | The Navigators Evangelism Resources | Prayer hand illustration in a notebook on a table

The Prayer Hand

The Prayer Hand is an easy way to remember five essential aspects of prayer: confession, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise.

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