Praying the Names and Attributes of God
We encourage you to commit five minutes daily over a 30-day period to prayer over these verses and worship God in new ways. Continue Reading

30 Thankful Prayers
30 Thankful Prayers is about praying from a heart of gratitude. Start the habit of thanking God for your blessings and praying these verses out loud! Continue Reading

How to Pray on the Armor of God
Learn how to pray on the armor of God daily to prepare yourself for the unseen battle against your heart and mind. Continue Reading

30 Days of Praying Through Your Neighborhood
There is something deep and transformational that happens when we walk the streets of our community while conversing with God. This is an invitation to audacity - to believe that the gospel is transformative today and that God’s Spirit is at work in the uniqueness of our own individuality and that of our neighborhoods. Continue Reading

30 Prayers of Praise to God
Focus 30 days on offering prayers of praise to God. Consider beginning or ending your day with the habit of praising God and praying these verses out loud. Continue Reading

Organizing a Prayer Journal
Writing down our prayers can be a powerful way to engage with God, as we bring our praises and requests to Him. Continue Reading

“FUEL” Your Relationship With God: 4 Ideas for Prayer and Fasting
“FUEL” your relationship with God through fasting. Try these four ideas (Food, Use Of Time, Entertainment, Listen To) to enhance this spiritual discipline. Continue Reading

7 Ways to Pray: Time-Tested Practices for Encountering God
We’re always a simple word or a single step away from a conversation with God. These seven ways to pray draw from the deep well of Christian history to make praying a habit to enjoy in our crazy, bustling, wearying times. Continue Reading