How to Be an Everyday Leader: An Interview with Bill Mowry
The Navigators interview author Bill Mowry on his latest book, The Ways of the Leader, and how to gain wisdom.
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Topical Memory System for Kids
The Topical Memory System has been helping people memorize Scripture for decades, and it will help you and your kids too! The tried-and-true methods of the TMS are the foundation of this fun game. Continue Reading

Topical Memory System (TMS)
If you want to memorize Scripture but aren't sure how, this system is the perfect launch point to begin hiding God's Word in your heart. Continue Reading

How to Pray Using the PRAY Method
As you pray, Pause, Rejoice, Ask, and Yield. These aspects of prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer can provide a structure and flow for your prayer life. Continue Reading

One-Verse Evangelism: How to Share Christ’s Love Conversationally & Visually
One-Verse Evangelism® is a simple, interactive way to share the powerful Gospel message conversationally and visually using just one verse. Continue Reading

The 2:7 Series – Discipleship Training Curriculum
The three books of The 2:7 Series focus on having a more personal, intimate relationship with God. This seasoned discipleship training course is recently updated for today's disciple. Continue Reading

DFD: Design for Discipleship Series
This seasoned series of discipleship studies starts with Your Life in Christ – additional titles focus on the character of Christ-followers, living as a Spirit-filled follower of Jesus, day-to-day walking with Christ, and faith foundations. Continue Reading

The Pray! Prayer Journal
This prayer-focused journal includes Scripture, a daily Bible reading plan, space to record the names of those you want to pray for, and monthly sections to record insights. Continue Reading

Growing in Christ Series
Are you a new Christian looking for ways to dive deeper in your walk with God? These Bible studies will help you navigate Scripture and faith. Continue Reading

Praying Over God’s Promises
This book began as a tool to help strengthen others in their faith has become a life-giving classic, now in its fourth edition. Continue Reading