Run the Race: The Intentional Process of Discipleship — Harvest Episode 04

Discipleship doesn’t happen overnight. There’s a process, and this process is something that takes both time and specific intentionality. Dave Wirgau examines 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, teaching that disciplemaking should have an eternal purpose, a clear plan for growth, and a proper perspective.

“When we’re doing this, then our discipling of others can have power and impact that would go until the nations are reached and touched.”
-Dave Wirgau

Harvest is a five-part series of short films that will give you a vision for how you can play a part in God accomplishing His purposes. The series features the teaching of Dave Wirgau, longtime campus minister with The Navigators.


  1. Great lesson and thank you for making those verses real. Plan, purpose and perspective. The Christian Life is not easy but it is fulfilling…God wants us to help others along our walk

  2. Well said, Dave!! A Plan, Purpose, & Perspective. As someone who runs 50-100 mile trail races, there is no way you will get to the desired finish, as 1 Cor 9 describes, without those 3 things. My training plan maps out training and rest, 7 days per week for 16-20 weeks in advance of a race. However, we need to remember that each athlete’s (and discipler’s plan) can look very different depending on the people involved (e.g. more evangelical versus more non-religious), the season of life and corresponding demands, and the desired outcome. So there is nothing “cookie cutter” about the plan as many may feel inclined to make these plans. Instead it is held with an open hand via The Spirit’s guidance built on the foundation of love (the process, not event, of meeting the person’s needs & well-being… with no strings attached). Thanks for stirring the pot for me. Thank-you Andrew for providing this great resource! Warmly, A BIG fan, Andy

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