Harvest: A Film Series on Discipleship

Harvest is a five-part series of short films on discipleship. These videos focus on casting the vision, reaching the nations, the role of community, and the discipleship process. The series features the teaching of Dave Wirgau, longtime campus minister with The Navigators. Use these videos as a tool in your discipleship relationships or to grow your own passion for making disciples.

Episode 1 — Casting the Vision of Discipleship

What does it take to make an impact that will last for eternity? Does God give that ability to a select few? Or does He call each of us to change the world? God has made promises in the Bible to all who are in Christ. Knowing them could change everything. Dave Wirgau examines Isaiah 55, casting the vision of discipleship as the means of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Episode 2 — To the Ends of the Earth (The Archer Illustration)

Did you know that there are five “Great Commission” verses in the New Testament? Each of these verses describes one facet of how the Gospel will be taken to the ends of the earth. In this episode of Harvest Dave Wirgau uses “the Archer illustration” to show how you can reach the nations through making disciples.

Episode 3 — The Role of Community in Discipleship

When we think about discipleship we often picture one-on-one relationships, but how are these relationships to be understood within the context of community? Dave Wirgau examines Hebrews 10:24-25, breaking down the “let us” statements in those verses to illustrate three hallmarks of biblical community in discipleship.

Episode 4 — Run the Race: The Intentional Process of Discipleship

Discipleship doesn’t happen over night. There’s a process, and this process is something that takes both time and specific intentionality. Dave Wirgau examines 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, teaching that disciplemaking should have an eternal purpose, a clear plan for growth, and a proper perspective.

Episode 5 — Discouragement and Hope in Disciplemaking

All disciplemakers will inevitably enter into times of discouragement. In those moments can we trust that, no matter what we are currently seeing and experiencing, God is still at work? In this video Dave Wirgau teaches from Isaiah 49:3-6, examining God’s promise to use your life to reach the nations even in the midst of feeling discouraged.

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