Following Jesus: Taking the Next Step

Kenedee remembers one hot day walking back to her dorm at the beginning of her freshman year. Someone called out to her to do a survey and enter a drawing for a gift card. She paused and took the survey at the Navigators Collegiate table and said she was interested in a Bible study.

Kenedee and Cassidy Navigators Collegiate Ministry University of Missouri
Kenedee & Cassidy

“I had grown up going to church, so I was interested in studying the Bible with other students,” says Kenedee. “But it seemed like every time Cassidy [Navigators Collegiate staff] would text or stop by to invite me to the study, I couldn’t come. She kept reaching out and eventually I went to check out the Bible study. I liked the group and kept going.”

As Kenedee grew in her faith through studying the Bible and Life-to-Life® discipleship with Cassidy Purdy, she stepped up to student leadership for her sophomore year. “At first I didn’t feel qualified to be a leader,” Kenedee shared. “But I realized that I didn’t have to know everything. I wanted to help other students grow in their faith, since Navs had helped me grow. The women on the leadership team have become like a family as we hold each other accountable and help each other in practical ways.”

When Kenedee moved into an apartment with friends, she prayed about inviting her roommates to read the Bible with her. Cassidy shares, “From Day 1, Kenedee has been thinking about how she can share the love of Christ with her roommates. She decided to invite them to read and discuss the Bible together once a week. She prayed, asked them, and they all said yes!”

After finishing an Investigative Bible Study on John, Kenedee, her roommates, and some other friends want to keep meeting. “I’d never led a group before, but we had lots of vulnerable discussions and they all want to learn more about Jesus. In college, people might believe in God but don’t necessarily prioritize spending time with Jesus. I’m praying that my friends will decide to follow Jesus.

Pray that students on campuses around the country will decide to take the next step in following Jesus—by reading God’s Word, growing as a disciple, and stepping up to lead others toward Jesus.


  1. I am praying that God will continue to raise up laborers for the harvest through the Navigator ministries, Matt 9: 37-38. From high school, I wanted to help people come to know the God and Savior I love. Starting with Greg Osland, Mike Merritt, and Ron Kanour at Iowa State University, I learned how. The Navigator ministry has been an important part of my life for 48 years.

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