As a college freshman at University of Central Missouri, Ellie knew she wanted to try to get involved with a campus ministry and pursue her relationship with God. She had grown up going to church and knowing about God, but she had struggled with mental health issues in high school and felt like God hadn’t answered her prayers.
One day while she was walking across campus, she walked by a Navigators tent where they were offering a drawing for a gift card. She didn’t have any money, so she was hoping to win the gift card. She filled out a survey and a few days later Bekah Phillips (Navigators Collegiate) stopped by her dorm and invited her to a freshman connection event and a Bible study.

Ellie attended the Bible study with Bekah for several years, but she shares, “I still wasn’t praying regularly, reading God’s Word consistently, or pursuing my relationship with Christ. When I started my upper division professional classes, I stopped connecting with The Navigators.”
Bekah continued to reach out to Ellie, but they didn’t get together for a semester. Then in January 2020, they committed to having dinner together once a week and reading the Bible together. Their in-person time came to halt in the Spring of 2020 with COVID-19.
While Ellie was back at home, doing school online, she had a conversation with her mother about the end times. Ellie realized that she had no assurance of her own relationship with Jesus, so she decided to look to the Bible for answers.
She says, “I started reading the book of Revelation and it was the first time I had consistently focused on reading the Bible and pursuing God. Bekah and I connected and started reading the Bible together online. I found that I loved reading God’s Word and praying. I figured out that God had a plan for me all along, but it was according to His timing not mine. I have learned that God loves me so much despite all my faults. I continue reading God’s Word and growing closer to Him.”
As she has grown in her own relationship with Jesus, Ellie has developed a heart for sharing the hope she found in God’s love and salvation with those around her. She has joined a young adult ministry in her town and attended training in sharing her faith.
“I saw how God has moved in my life and changed me,” says Ellie. “I want to be a part of that for other people. At first, I was terrified to share, but God has given me a desire to have gospel conversations. I get to see God move as I share my faith and pray with people weekly!”
Bekah is now serving with Navigators Collegiate at University of Kansas but she still stays in touch with Ellie. Bekah reflects, “It has been a privilege to see how God is transforming her life. She has a deep love for Scripture and a heart for those who don’t yet know Jesus personally. I am excited to see how God continues to use her story in the lives of others as she pursues her teaching career.”
Pray for those who are college freshmen this fall, that they will seek out a relationship with God and be discipled by Navigators serving on their campus. Praise God for the seeds of past ministry and how He brings fruit in transformed lives.
I treasure storyers like this, because of seeing God working in peoples lives. I was beaten as a child and did not go to church,so I did not come to know God until after leavening home.I have been on my own ever Sence was 16 years old.I liver a life of fun,or so I thought but like the Bible says,sin is but for a season. I drank and run around trying to fit in some where. When I was 23 or24 I got married,but I was in the army and that was hard on a marriage, and after 7 years we got a divorce, fearing that time she got me involved in church and that was all new to me, but I knew that I wanted to know more about God. About 10 years later I got married again and this time she was a Christian and we were married for 40years until her dearth in 2016.I gave my life to Christ years ago and I am very glad that I did,but I live every day with missing my wife, and loneliness,but I have Jesus in my life and even tho I go thru hard ships, I still have Jesus!
The story about Bekah and Ellie thrills my heart. When I noticed the campus of UCM it jumped off the page for me. I am one of about 6 who moved to Warrensburg in the fall of 1966 to begin the Nav ministry on campus. We saw some fruit but I know our ministry was prepatory for what is going on now. We prayed, witnessed, and reached out but not much happened then. I graducated in 1968 and went on to becomse a pastor for 30+ years and am now a pastor to pastors with Nav Encore. It thrills me to see the young staff at the campus. May our blessed Lord give you much fruit there. I am encourged to pray for you all. I will see you all when we reach home plate. Denny Holbert
Open your hearts through God’s perspectives and see HIM work in your life and use you for HIS glory.
Rushing through the Bible leaves shallow footprints.
If you will just, be quiet and read His word, and pray asking for the understanding that He wants you to receive from reading His word, daily, you will begin to sense that you do understand. You will realize you are seeing life through the eyes God wants you to see through, your actions will be done with love and humility.
I love how I renewed my walk with Jesus in March. My love for him grows stronger every day. He continues to show up and show out in my life. I love growing stronger in my faith and love for him.
I enjoy my conversations with God—mind my behavior and responses—may they be godly.
This message about Ellie is inspirational to me.