Living and Leaving a Powerful Legacy

As followers of Jesus, we hold onto the timeless truth: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). This is comforting as we step into 2017. No matter what changes our country and the world will undergo in the coming year, we can hold fast to Jesus. As His people we choose to follow His perfect example and His words as we seek to live generously. He is the foundation for our legacy.

Legacy giving is shaped through a lifetime of legacy living. Last spring I had the privilege of learning about the lives of two legacy saints, Mac and Mary McRobbie. They lived in California, and were long time friends and supporters of The Navigators. Mac’s death preceded Mary’s by just five weeks.

It was my honor to represent The Navigators at Mary’s memorial service. That bright spring morning I learned of lives well lived. Their hard working and generous spirits blessed many who came through their home. Through thoughtful legacy planning they cared for their family and also left a portion of their estate to a number of different ministries, including The Navigators. Meeting their four children and spouses, I was struck by their peace and joy, but most of all their deep sense of gratitude for the lives and legacy of Mac and Mary.

A legacy can be accomplished through intentional giving at death, but more significantly through living an intentional life. Mac and Mary’s children and grandchildren observed firsthand a faithful example of living for Jesus. As followers of Jesus they chose to live His words as quoted by Paul, “It is more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35).

I pray this concept of intentionality will encourage you to confidently seize the day that God has given you!

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