Lifelong Disciplemaker

Scott Spragg makes the most of every opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with those around him. He regularly uses Facebook and WhatsApp to disciple and encourage people from Zambia, Tanzania, and his local church in Iowa.

“I do what any disciplemaker would do—to find a way to bear witness to the Lord and disciple in any situation,” Scott says. “Just because we have restrictions on visits with friends and relatives now, that doesn’t mean that discipleship opportunities are over.”

Lifelong Disciplemaker | Navigators Encore | young Asian female nurse kneeling beside senior patient in wheelchair talking, smiling and cheering up in comfort at hospital.

For Scott, age 90, this outreach and discipleship extends to the aides who work at the assisted living facility where he has been a resident for almost two years. He realizes that the aides have to be efficient with their work, and he doesn’t want them to get in trouble with a supervisor. He is always ready to ask a question to move the conversation to spiritual topics. He has seven questions* related to John 3:16 that he asks. He may discuss one question each time an aide returns to his room, or he gives the aide a card with all the questions for them to consider.

Scott’s zeal for God is evident. “It is exciting to see what God does when we use our God-given willingness to be used for the greatest work we will ever have in this short opportunity of life,” Scott says.

By using technology, he has been able to stay in touch with former students and Navigator staff in Tanzania, where he served years ago. Even though he says it is unlikely he will ever travel there again, he stays in touch with the country director of The Navigators in Tanzania and prays for God to continue the good work of the gospel for many years to come.

Praise God for those who are life-long disciplemakers! Bless and encourage their desire to serve God all of their days.

* The seven questions Scott uses are derived from Jim Downing’s pamphlet called “Can You Answer These Questions About The Best-Known Verse in The Bible?”

  1. According to this verse, what did God give?
    • Answer: His only begotten Son.
  2. Why did He give Him?
    • Answer: Because He loved the world.
  3. To whom has He given Him?
    • Answer: To whosoever believes in Him.
  4. Does that include you?
    • If they hesitate on this, change the question a bit to reflect Ephesians 1:7 and John 1:10-12 and ask the next questions.
  5. Do you have assurances that your sins are forgiven?
  6. Do you have eternal life?
    • Depending on their answer, ask the next question.
  7. What does a person have to do to receive an offered gift?
    • Ideally, they will respond that they will “take the gift” and with your help, you can lead them in a short prayer that they can follow along with:
      • Example: “Heavenly Father, I thank you for offering your Son. I do here now receive Him, and invite the Lord Jesus to come into my heart, to forgive me my sins, and to give me everlasting life.”


  1. Do you have Jim’s questions in a tract form? How can I order this & also your Bridge to life tract? Ty

  2. Scott (and Ruth now with Jesus) is like the spiritual grandfather of our church family. Believe me Ruth was just as passionate for the sharing of the gospel. What a blessing to have these faithful saints walk the path before us.

  3. Scott and his precious wife Ruth (now home with Jesus) have been great neighbors, friends and teachers in our church for many years. True followers and strong witnesses for Christ.

  4. Scott discipled me when I was stationed in Ohio in the Air Force in the 60’s. So he has really been doing this for a long time. I remember sitting at the bar in the base bowing alley and him drawing out the Bridge to Life on a napkin. I praise God for bringing this Godly brother in Christ into my life.

  5. Pamphlet from Jim Downing called:
    ‘Can You Answer These Questions About The Best-Known Verse in The Bible?’

  6. Dear Scott, You are a iiving example of ” still bearing fruit in old age.” It has been a great joy to have traveled with you all these years as we have been focused on Africa. I still remember visiting you and Ruth in Tanzania when you were teaching at the high school. You’ve got 10 yrs. on me so I hope I can follow in your footsteps when I reach 90.

  7. I, too am encouraged by Scott and know he will continue the journey to share, embracing The Commandments to Love Our Lord God and neighbor(s) as himself.

  8. God Bless you richly for being an awesome role model. May we have your contact info to benefit from your service? As you’ve seen from the many replies, your message is in demand!

  9. I have the JOY of being Scott’s pastor. We pray together every Monday morning. Scott is a constant encouragement to our disciple-making efforts. Praise God for such an example!!!!

  10. i am 75 and am part of a Sage group which is committed to finishing well with our intentional relationships with one another. Scott is a great model to all of us and like others, i’d love to see the seven questions he asks. He is finishing well!

  11. We love you, Scott! Thanks for all the ways you’ve encouraged and challenged our lives!
    Drew and Stacy Frazer

    1. Please share the 7 questions,
      Thank you
      I was on a team with the Navigators many years ago.

    1. Hi brother Brent R Jones, the story has also done me good. however, I’m 37. you have challenged me, at 70 you need more Navigator training. i think i should also ply as early as possible. God bless you my brother.

  12. I would love to know the 7 questions Mr Scott Sprague uses related to John 3:16

    Would he be willing to pass them on?

    My email is below

    Thank you. Sharon

    1. I attend Scott’s home church in Iowa and he taught my son’s Sunday school class when he was in grade school and would remember him and tell him he prayed for him years later! What a blessing Scott has been to our church for many years!

    1. I’m 71 & this is a quick way to get out the Gospel in a few minutes. I wrote down all 7 questions on John 3:16. I will try to learn these questions & answers & use it when I have a few minutes with a person. Thank you for sharing this with me.

    2. Hallelujah, Praise God my brother Dick schau. it is not easy to make 80 unless you have Christ in you the source of life. my prayer is, may the leaving God grand you more years in the mighty name of Jesus.

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