East Asia – Coming Away Encouraged

 The Navigators

One of my closest relationships in East Asia was with the daughter of our language teacher. We bonded quickly, and I couldn’t believe how similar our hearts were as two young college graduates seeking to honor Jesus in our workplaces.

One evening, we had dinner together and walked around the university campus for over two hours, discussing how to love the people around us and what it means to impact our friends spiritually. It was such an incredible relationship of mutual encouragement!

Before I went to East Asia, I was afraid of being “behind” or lacking in some way, because I have been working as a math teacher in a public high school, and I hadn’t been involved in all of the spiritual and ministry activities that my teammates were doing as college students.

Then, a couple weeks into the trip, I realized that being on a missions trip really didn’t feel any different than teaching math in Kansas City! Yes, my activities and how I spent my time were different, but in the end my relationship with God was the same. I was so encouraged to go into my second year of teaching with the realization that I am serving God and fulfilling his purpose for me as I labor in the high school.

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