The Power of Healing Prayer in East Asia

“Does it taste good?” John* asked, talking to a young woman named Angela* eating ice cream near his booth in a mini street market in East Asia. She nodded and continued to eat. Angela wore a t-shirt and had several tattoos on her arms, but John immediately noticed something different — she had blisters covering most of her skin.

Two women laying hands on their friend praying for healing.

After some conversation, John asked her, “What’s the name of your skin condition?”

“Neurofibromatosis. NF for short,” Angela said.  She then went on to explain how it affected her daily life.

“Would you like us to pray for you?” John asked.

Without hesitation, Angela said, “Yes,” and John led her over to take a seat at his Healing Corner stall set up in the market, a booth designed for healing prayer.

A Call for Prayer in East Asia

John became a Navigator in 1972, but it wasn’t until 1975 that he felt a calling for world missions. “The Lord gave me a promise: Isaiah 49:6,” John says. “‘I will also give you as a light to the Gentiles, that you should be my salvation to the ends of the earth.’ I began to take steps to figure out where that would take place, and how that would happen.”

After visiting East Asia in 1980, John felt a calling to serve the people there, and so he moved as a full-time resident two years later. Now, over 40 years have passed, and John continues to do faithful ministry in the region. 

John’s work has taken a number of roles over the years, from leading Bible study groups and mentoring church leaders to counseling others through deep emotional and relational healing. However, over the past several years, John has been introducing a new form of care to his ministry — healing prayer. 

John himself has experienced the power of the Lord’s healing, once when an injured rotator cuff in his shoulder was miraculously healed, and another time this year when a woman who was a new believer prayed over an inflamed tendon in his right bicep. “With my arm, after we prayed together, the pain was gone by the end of the day,” John says. “And it’s been gone since. It’s the example that Jesus is always ready to do something. Anytime, anywhere, with anyone.”

After the first time John experienced healing in 2015, he and several others began to offer healing prayer services before their church meetings. “We’ve tried to develop the expectation that all things are possible because Jesus is the same yesterday and today,” John explains. “He has no limits. If we invite His presence to be with us, then anything can happen.” In 2023 alone, he has seen people experience some degree of healing over 250 times. 

Prayers for Emotional and Mental Healing

The Healing Corner ministry began as an extension of the work John was already doing in churches. The market was sponsored by John’s wife who leads an outreach to prostitutes. Each stall was operated by Christian organizations that sought to sell inexpensive products to the residents of a low income area, and they provided a food stand that gave out free ice cream and desserts. 

John decided to set up the Healing Corner stall as part of the market, offering services of prayerful healing to those who were interested. During the market, John would ask people if they would like healing for various ailments and then would offer to pray for them. “It was also an opportunity to say, ‘This is what Jesus did for you,’” John says. “‘And He’d like to have a relationship with you.’ For some folks, it might take two or three of those experiences for them to get serious about wanting to know Jesus.”

When Angela sat down at the booth, John asked her about her background and condition. She had been adopted and endured abuse while growing up, but fortunately, she had become a believer and was in a fellowship group to support her healing journey. John and his wife prayed over Angela’s skin condition and internal healing, and at first, Angela didn’t experience any change.

“We chatted a bit longer, and then I said I wanted to bless her faith,” John says. “So we prayed again, speaking about her identity in Christ and her future in Him. When we finished, she opened her eyes and her face beamed with joy! God had touched her spirit and revived her hope for the future.”

Jesus’ Prayers for Healing

Angela was one of 15 people that and his wife prayed over for the two-day Healing Corner ministry. Nine of the people they prayed over experienced some degree of relief or improvement for their condition. 

One woman realized her joint pain was gone and she was eager to learn more about Jesus, taking a Gospel of John booklet home with her. Another woman, who had needed a cane to walk due to knee pain, found her pain totally gone after several prayers. She walked out of the market without using her cane, and later, she testified to others how Jesus had healed her.

“Every place Jesus went, He revealed God’s kingdom through a combination of verbal proclamation of God’s truth and visible demonstration of God’s power,” John explains. “Activities like the Healing Corner simply create an opportunity for Jesus to demonstrate His power in public places, giving an opening to proclaim the truth of who He is and what He loves to do for people.”

Praise God for the ways that Jesus revealed himself to these people through healing and prayer! You can join John in his ministry in East Asia by praying that he continues his focus on the Lord and that Jesus continues to work through his faith and prayer. 

“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” Matthew 9:35 (NIV).

*Names changed

Discipleship Tip:  

Sometimes a person’s physical, emotional, or mental healing leads them to spiritual healing and a desire for a relationship with Jesus. Is there someone in your life who needs healing? Begin praying for their healing and watch for God’s movement in their life.

Praying Against Spiritual Resistance

Click the link below to download your copy of the Praying Against Spiritual Resistance illustration and continue to grow in your relationship with Jesus and help others do the same!


  1. Please pray that God will reveal to me how I am to disciple people around me. No one that I have talked to is interested in putting in the kind of dedication that Christ calls for.

  2. I pray that God would lead me to someone with this gift of healing for my wife who is in a lot of pain in her left hip and knee. Both have been replace several years ago, but now she is in so much pain that she can hardly stand up and walk (even with a walker). The Elders from our church have prayed over her and anointed her with oil. She has only gotten worse. I know that God can/does heal, I pray that it is His will to heal my wife (Sandy).

    1. God’s healing is real, tangible and possible by faith. Begin praying with your wife Sandy to forgive self, areas of shame and pinned up resentment. This helps to release the inflammation and stress inside of her body. You and her pray healing scriptures throughout the day. When she stretches pray for release.

  3. Virginia, God bless you sweetheart. Praying healing. I am in pain now, heart disease and diabete neuropathy. I am not able to work. I need a miracle only God can give. Touch your daughter Lord.

  4. Love heals. God is love. A disciple of Jesus has an abiding relationship with Him, and thus is a conduit of God’s love, grace and mercy to those in desperate need. The ultimate purpose is that “for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it” (John 11:4). Thank You, Father, for this ministry and testimony. Blessings and love….

  5. This is encouraging. I have been praying for my husband to heal from a brain injury over 10 years ago. Please pray for him.

  6. My word of the year is healing! Started on Jan. 1. I have been healing from being with a roommate with Covid 2 or 3 weeks ago. and then I had been on 2 back-to-back treament with antibiotics (allergies…rhiniti). and then I had a severe fall after standing up and getting dizzy. I had take to much sleepy medicine too early, and I didn’t realize that would happen until it did.

  7. I’d like prayer for my son, he suffers from upper back pain dr says he has scolliosis, but I rebuke that spirit of illness in Jesus’s name. I declare he’s touched by the healing hand of Jesus!! Please pray for my son Alan. Thank you.

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