Disciple: Be One, Make One Podcast: Catch the Vision for Disciplemaking Episode

Hearing people’s stories of how God grabbed their hearts for discipleship can be a huge encouragement. In this episode of the Disciple: Be One, Make One Podcast, host Ethan Jasso chats with his friend Loyce Nelson about how she caught the vision for disciplemaking.

Excerpt from Loyce’s Discipleship Story:

Loyce: “I’m reading the Bible and people are praying for me. They’re trying to help me to understand that I’m changing. That’s what my experience looked like after becoming a believer. I had an identity crisis, okay? Eighteen years of my life I had done things a certain way. And I believed this certain way.

I thought the world was a certain way. I thought God and the Bible were ridiculous. A month before I became a believer, I’m having a conversation with my grandmother, who was a believer at this point. I’m saying, yo, quit talking to me about this Jesus and Bible stuff. It’s nonsense.

Then, to be sitting here reading this Bible and talking about Jesus’ life–I’m a believer— What in the world? That’s how I felt. I’m reading the Bible and I’m asking questions: What is this world? What do I do with this? Why is everyone walking around like everything is okay and everything is normal? The world is not okay. I get to the New Testament and see that we’re all in darkness. We’re not aware of the reality of this spiritual fight. I’m in an identity crisis—who am I really and what am I here for?”

Disciple: Be One, Make One Podcast

Disciple: Be One, Make One is a podcast for everyday followers of Jesus who want to grow as disciples and learn to help others do the same. The goal for each episode is to bring clarity, inspiration, and practical help to the calling of making disciples. 

Join us as we hear the stories of people who have grasped the vision of discipleship and given their lives to it. Learn how God has led them on a path of sacrifice and joy, confusion and trust, as they discovered that the cost of discipling others is worth the price.


  1. Loyce, I loved hearing your testimony and how you are raising these foster girls. You are answering the call. Having raised 3 stepchildren, I can relate to much of what you said – especially about apologizing and modeling that even when you don’t hear it in return. It’s a process of dying to self, and it’s self-revealing! I often say, it’s showed me my inner ugly.

    One day you will hear some of what you are hoping to hear from your kids – like thank you for sheltering me. But, regardless, you will hear well done from our Lord and Savior and that will truly be the reward. Keep the faith 🙂
    May the Almighty bless you and keep you.

  2. Thank you so much Loyce for your awesome testimony of GOD’ saving grace. GOD continue to bless you and encourage you in your daily walk with HIM, AMEN 🙏🏻 AMEN

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