How to Apply Scripture to Your Everyday Life

Learn how to apply Scripture to your everyday life with this practical approach. Write out the verse, state the truth, assess your need, make an intent, and set a checkup.

The purpose of Bible study is to be challenged and encouraged by studying and applying God’s Word to our everyday lives. Here’s a practical approach to apply Scripture to life:

1. Verse

Write out the verse or passage.

2. Truth

Use your own words to state the truth of the verse.

3. Need

Honestly assess your own life in relation to the truth of Scripture. What area of need does God’s Word expose in your life?

4. Intent

State a specific change you want to implement in your area of need. Keep the action simple.

5. Checkup

State how you will accomplish the goal you have set. You may want to put a reminder on your calendar or share your application with a trusted friend who will hold you accountable.

Let God use this tool in your life; this is not a self-effort project. Have confidence that God is conforming you to Christ’s image and He will complete what He has started.

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