12 Prayers for Christmas
Use these 12 powerful prayers for Christmas to help you focus on the true meaning of this season. Continue Reading

How to Pray
Prayer is a conversation between you and God. Sounds simple, but sometimes we need encouragement to grow our passion for prayer. Experience the life-giving and life-changing power of prayer! Continue Reading

Suddenly Unemployed: A Fresh Way to Pray the Lord’s Prayer
In times of crises—such a job loss—you may turn away from God, or lean hard into Him. Let’s turn to the Lord’s Prayer as a model prayer, one that will draw you closer to God’s heart and help comfort and guide you. Continue Reading

Praying the Promises: Pleading with God
Be strong and courageous. In times of distress turn to God in prayer and ask Him to fulfill His promises. Attitude of Humility & … Continue Reading

Practicing God’s Presence in Prayer
Prepare your mind and heart to meet God and encounter His presence in your daily time with Him. Continue Reading

How to Spend Extended Time in Prayer
In the midst of our busy lives, it can be incredibly valuable to go beyond morning devotions and spend extended time alone with God in prayer. Continue Reading

Prayer Walk
Focus your prayer time by taking a prayer walk. Pray together with a group or individually. Continue Reading

The Pray! Prayer Journal
This prayer-focused journal includes Scripture, a daily Bible reading plan, space to record the names of those you want to pray for, and monthly sections to record insights. Continue Reading

Praying Over God’s Promises
This book began as a tool to help strengthen others in their faith has become a life-giving classic, now in its fourth edition. Continue Reading

Becoming a Woman of Prayer
In Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Cynthia Heald will encourage you to respond to God’s invitation to deeper intimacy with Him. Continue Reading