How to Pray on the Armor of God

Learn how to pray on the armor of God, so you can be equipped both offensively and defensively against the enemy who doesn’t want you to believe God is for you, faithful, and full of unfailing love. Use this armor of God prayer daily to prepare yourself for the unseen battle against your heart and mind.

As God’s children, we are in an unseen battle which requires us to pray on the armor of God. He equips us with spiritual armor that is both offensive and defensive against the attacks of the enemy, who doesn’t want us to believe God is for us, faithful, and full of unfailing love.

Pray on the armor of God through this prayer based on Paul’s instructions in Ephesians 6:10–18. Use God’s Word, which is the sword of the Spirit, in this unseen battle —  fighting “not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (v. 12).

Armor of God Prayer

Equip me, Lord . . .

  • With the belt of truth (v. 14). May Your truth rule in my heart and be in my mind and on my lips today.
  • With the breastplate of righteousness (v. 14). Apart from You there is no righteousness, but through Jesus I have been redeemed and made righteous in Your sight. May I live as a righteous person.
  • With feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace (v. 15). May I reflect the gospel in my words and actions, that through me, with my every encounter, others may be drawn one step closer to You.
  • With the shield of faith (v. 16). May I take You at Your word concerning promises about the present and future—promises of everlasting love, abundant life, and so much more.
  • With the helmet of salvation (v. 17). Remind me that nothing can separate me from Your love and that I’ve been saved by grace. In Your grace, help me to say “no” to all ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live a self-controlled, upright, and godly life (Titus 2:12-13).
  • And with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (v. 17). May Your Holy Spirit reign in my life and bring to my mind just the right Bible verses to be in my heart and on my lips. May I be “filled with the Spirit” and ready with Scripture as You were, Jesus, when the devil tempted You.
  • Finally, keep me in an attitude of prayer (v. 18). Remind me to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions.” Cause me to be alert and always praying for the saints; to be joyful and to give thanks in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

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Some content taken from The Pray! Prayer Journal by Dean Ridings. Copyright © 2003. Used by permission of NavPress, represented by Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries. All rights reserved. For purchases please visit

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  1. How to Pray on the Armor of God is a vital tool for me as I get dressed each morning to prepare and battle the day. I am making copies and sharing this valuable resource with my Bible study ladies.

  2. Wonderful article- thank you I will be sharing with my friends and family and of course be using it myself- it’s nice to have a page where I can just go to it and put on my spiritual armor before I walk out my door everyday to be ready with God – ready with Him for whatever may come-
    Praise Jesus – and all Glory to God. Amen 🙏

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