Russia – God is Not American

 The Navigators

“We are going to Russia this summer for a six-week trip,” my staff at Colorado State University told me one day.

“Great,” I responded, “can I house sit for you while you’re gone?”

“Actually, we want you to go with us,” she replied. I smiled and told her I’d pray about it, fully intending to tell her the next week I didn’t feel “led” to go. Russia? Why would I ever want to go to Russia? But before I knew it, I had decided to go on the trip. It was my first trip overseas and I was nervous and excited.

We hung out with Russian college students who wanted to improve their English. We taught classes, played games, taught them American sports, and talked about deep issues. One of the things that struck me the most is how universal human beings are. A Russian girl my age was struggling with the same issues I was struggling with 13 time zones away.

I realized in Russia that God is not American. God reveals Himself differently to different cultures. When I read passages about the nations, I no longer picture America. The nations now means my friend Katya who was trying to figure out how to pay for college and juggle a long-distance relationship with her high school boyfriend.

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