Off Base and On Target

Not all Navigator Military ministry takes place on military bases. In fact, significant work among future military officers takes place on college campuses. That’s something Aaron and Kerrie Rosheim—Navigators who work with students enrolled at the ROTC program at Iowa State University—know well.

Aaron began working for Iowa State Army ROTC in November 2008 and started a Navigator ROTC cadet Bible study that same year. He and Kerrie have always had an open door policy in their home when it comes to reaching out to these students. But if their ministry to future officers keeps growing, they’re going to need a bigger house! The couple has seen the ROTC ministry at Iowa State grow by leaps and bounds.

“Kerrie and I are intentional about how we lead,” Aaron explains. “We meet with the Bible study leaders on Sunday night and give them the chance to ask questions about the best way to facilitate their studies.” Aaron and Kerrie disciple the leaders, and the leaders pair up to disciple the small groups. “When Monday night rolls around,” says Aaron, “our leaders are totally prepared for the study.”

“People in the ROTC program are used to this kind of leadership model, so it works really well when it’s translated to a Bible study,” Aaron explains.

Aaron and Kerrie consistently host between 25-30 young men and women each week. That gives them a front-row seat to the miraculous transformation occurring all around them. Rey is the perfect example.

“Rey came to his first Bible study in 2011,” Aaron recalls. “He said he was a Christian, but the more we talked, it became clear that Rey didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus.” Today, Rey is a strong believer and his love for sharing the Gospel and teaching others to do the same is evident. That’s why, when Aaron deploys with the National Guard this month, he feels comfortable entrusting the ministry at Iowa State to Rey’s leadership.

The Rosheims’ ministry to future military leaders may be “off base,” but in terms of training spiritual leaders for continued ministry to the military—it’s right on target!

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