Flood Restoration in Rural Nigeria

For the poor housed in low-lying areas, flooding can sweep away both homes and hope. But Adams Solomon and his coalition in Nigeria had the opportunity to bring hope to their community after a flood.

Beginning a decade ago, Adams worked with a group of fellow Nigerians (dubbed “Team Hope”) to influence the community of Tamigbe, in the southwestern delta region of Nigeria, three hours from the nearest city. Team Hope trained a team of local pastors, who in turn organized a community development committee (CDC) of key leaders.

The pastors and the CDC learned the principles and practices of Discipling for Development. Over the years, the cdc developed leadership and organizational skills, working together toward improvement using the resources God had given them. In the process, most of the CDC members began to follow Christ.

In 2010, this delta region suffered devastating flooding. In Tamigbe many fled to higher ground. Tamigbe village leaders faced the daunting task of recovery with few prospects of aid from the government.

Rather than flee to a less challenging setting, Adams, Team Hope, and Tamigbe’s pastors and CDC rolled up their sleeves. Their training and teamwork helped restore the community as they organized and led cleanup efforts. In the process, they earned even more respect and credibility within Tamigbe for development initiatives, including a new health center.

Adams, Team Hope, and many in Tamigbe can now say with David, “If the Lord had not been on our side … the raging waters would have swept us away…. Our help is in the name of the Lord” (Psalm 124:1,5,8).

Learn more about the Navigators Discipling for Development ministry.

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