Expanding Opportunities

When you’ve been doing something for more than 50 years, you might think you’ve got the process pretty well refined. Our God, however, is a God of “new things” as Isaiah said: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19).

Even though Eagle Lake Camps has been working with kids for more than five decades, God showed us a new opportunity to expand the transforming work of Jesus Christ into local communities.

For the last few years, we’ve taken the best aspects of the Eagle Lake Camp experience directly to kids who would never get to our mountain camp. We call it the Eagle Lake On Location program.

This summer we are partnering with 18 local churches, inner city community centers, and military bases to reach out to their neighborhoods with activities and games that foster contagious fun and excitement. Our counselors are highly trained college-aged young people who come from all over the country to share Christ’s love, invest in each child on a personal level, and have a blast! This new approach allows us, and these local ministries with whom we partner, to reach kids right where they are.

Feel free to give our Eagle Lake office a call, 800-US-Eagle (800-873-2453), if this “new thing” would serve your community!

Of course God is doing new things throughout the entire ministry of The Navigators. I hope you get a sense of that as you read through the articles in this issue of One-to-One.

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