Recently, in the wake of the brutal murder of George Floyd, The Navigators made a statement standing in solidarity with people of color:
“We stand in solidarity with our Navigator staff, organizational partners, community leaders, church leaders, volunteers, family, friends and every American of color. We cry out for God’s Kingdom priorities of love, justice and equality to uproot the devastating sin of racism in our nation.
We see in Scripture the example of Jesus, who modeled that loving others is not only a matter of words, but of action (1 John 3:18). Now, more than ever, we are committed to being sure that we, and those we raise up as disciples and disciplemakers for Jesus, allow the Holy Spirit to root out any hint of racism in our hearts, and in the hearts of those we influence. We will keep leading people to the Bible to guide us in challenging the status quo, as Jesus did constantly to displace the sin of racism with a commitment to the equality, justice, freedom, peace and security the gospel of Jesus provides, and requires us to give others.”
Gary Cantwell
Chief Communications Officer
Perhaps, upon reading that statement you thought, “That’s nice that you feel that way, but what are you actually doing about racism and the need to ally more strongly with Black people, and all people of color for that matter?” This is more than just a fair question; it’s the right one to be asking. In the spirit of transparency, we would like to share with you some of the steps we have taken in recent years to empower people of color, both those serving on our staff and the disciplemakers within our ministries.
Before we begin, we want to strongly underscore that there is still much for us to do. This is by no means meant to be a self-congratulatory pat on the back, or to state that our work here is done. Rather, it is to show our commitment to people of color, to their spiritual growth and well-being, as well as to address head-on the racism in our world today.
The Steps We Are Taking
- Since 2016, all US Navigator staff have been required to go through an intensive cultural development process designed to teach us all more about racial and ethnic realities, opening a healthy dialogue for growth, reflection, and, in many cases, repentance.
- In 2006, The Navigators established the Kairos Fund to financially support the growth of ethnic minority staff and disciplemakers. This fund has distributed over $10 million over the past thirteen years.
- Our commitment to recruit and empower staff from all ethnicities has had a direct impact on our staff community. In the last 20 years, the number of ethnic minority staff in the US Navigators grew by 71% and currently make up 20% of our staff overall. In the last ten years, we have seen a dramatic increase of ethnic minority staff in leadership roles throughout the Navigators, helping to set direction for the future as well as addressing systems and processes adversely impacting staff of color.
- The Navigators has four ethnic networks—African American Network, Asian American Network, LaVida Network, and Native Nations Network—that aim to provide an avenue for ethnic Navigator staff and disciplemakers to connect with each other, celebrate their unique design, and empower them to lead and minister out of their unique, God-given identity.
- The Navigators has intentionally been expanding our ministry into increasingly diverse settings, including multicultural cities, places with large populations of refugees and immigrants, and socio-economically challenged neighborhoods (establishing Missions to ensure progress in the latter two contexts).
In Pursuit of Our Calling
The Navigators have always been called to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost. By “nations” we not only mean all the countries of the world, but also all the peoples of the world, all ethnicities, whether here in the United States or abroad. In pursuit of this calling, we have taken the steps above to move toward making The Navigators a better reflection of heaven as described in Revelation 7:9 (ESV) where there will be a multitude “…from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages.” As we stated above, there is still much to do, and by God’s grace this vision will become a reality.
EDIT [June 19, 2020]: We have added the following section to respond to some of the questions we have received on our social media profiles in recent weeks.
Navigator Responses to Recent Questions
Q: Does The Navigators support #BlackLivesMatter?
A: The Navigators strongly believes the truth that Black lives do indeed matter and stand with our African-American brothers and sisters against the violence and abuses inflicted upon them on the basis of fear, racism, prejudice, and flawed systems. However, we do not support all the many-faceted principles that are now a part of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Q: Why doesn’t The Navigators speak out more on social issues? Is it because they don’t want to lose donors?
A: The Navigators is called to a ministry of Life-to-Life disciplemaking, walking alongside all kinds of people, with differing opinions on a number of social issues, on their spiritual journey – leading them to know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same. While making bold sweeping corporate statements on social issues can hinder our opportunity to engage “people in progress” and help them grow in Christ, we also realize that believers’ engagement with culture and injustice is a fruit of true discipleship and gospel transformation (Micah 6:8).
Since 1933, God has provided for The Navigators through the faithful and generous partnership of hundreds of thousands of people who support our work to advance the gospel. We trust God that, as we do what He calls us to do, He will continue to provide for us (Philippians 4:19).
Q: Your #BlackoutTuesday post included the ambiguous caption, “Listening. Lamenting. Repenting. Lifting up.” What exactly did you mean by that?
A: We are listening. All Navigators, regardless of ethnicity, must be listening to the voices of those who are hurting – especially those whose experiences are different from our own. In this hour, we want to be listening to our Black brothers and sisters, and to the voice of the Holy Spirit to guide us as people who can help to let justice roll down (Amos 5:24).
We are lamenting. When we see injustice in our world, we lament. We acknowledge the pain of those being hurt, oppressed, and have no voice, joining them in their grieving. We lament the murder of George Floyd and other Black men and women by the police and hate-motivated individuals over the years, along with those who have been impacted by systems of racism and bias (Psalm 10:17-18).
The Navigators have been learning to lament. At our recent National Staff Gathering, our National Leadership Team led all staff present in a time of corporate lament for our own sins and other attitudes where we dishonor God.
We are repenting. As with many issues of sin, one of our first reactions should be reflection. We have no right to confront others about their sins if we are not confronting our own sins. We must allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse us so we may learn to do good and seek justice (Isaiah 1:17).
We continue to grow into a deeper understanding and practice of corporate repentance. We are asking God to show us what attitudes, practices, and system must change in order for us to more fully embrace the beautiful diversity of God’s Kingdom (Revelation 7:9).
We are lifting up. Navigators believe in a big God. The challenges and problems in our world today require God-sized solutions. Ultimately, legislation and change in social systems won’t do away with the brokenness of our world. It is a matter of the heart. Navigators are called to lift this up in prayer. We pray for the end of racism in America. We pray for the end of racism in our own hearts, and in the hearts of those we serve. We commit to raise up disciples who are instruments of change as a result of gospel transformation (Luke 4:18-19).
Q: The Navigators have stated what they have done in the past, but what do you plan to do going forward?
A: As the Navigators have displayed in the past, we believe in the dignity and value of all people. We have a strong commitment for the Navigators to be a home to people from all backgrounds, where they can make the contribution God has for them. Our Life-to-Life disciplemaking must focus on raising up followers of Jesus whose lives and actions reflect the heart of Jesus. Discipleship that is not expressed in God’s heart for righteousness and justice is no discipleship at all. We want to raise up disciples of Jesus who eliminate any hint of racism from their hearts. This is in beautiful alignment with our Navigator core values of the dignity and value of every person, and love and grace expressed among us in community (John 13:34-35).
In the years ahead we also plan to expand on our commitment to provide excellent cultural development for all our staff. We will also grow in our development of leaders from all ethnic backgrounds who are culturally aware and skilled in working with people different from themselves.
We recognize that The Navigators as an organization has much room for growth in these areas. We are committed to taking next steps and continuing to move forward as learners and in humility.
We welcome feedback and dialogue in our comment section below. We only ask that you abide by our comments policy to keep the conversation constructive, productive, and civil. We thank you in advance for your thoughts.
If only every POC would listen to Voddie who speaks as a black man raised by a single mom in California. And if only every ministry, like Navigators, would listen to him! I believe Navigators and other ministries are well-intentioned, but they are buying into “another gospel.” Dealing with any injustice that exists in our country should be done as a fruit of the gospel. But social justice must not be included as a part of the gospel (The letter to the Galatians). Most social justice advocates would say that it isn’t a part of the gospel, but the major proponents of CRT and social justice in the church *do* believe that it is. Please, Navigators, don’t be a part of those whom Paul said should be accursed for adding to the gospel. Listen to Voddie!
I’m saddened to see the Navigators have gone woke, thereby denying the gospel.
This “movement” seems to me to be the opposite of MLK’s desire for a “colorless” nation. This you are doing aggravates racial differences and puts Jesus in the back seat. It seems dead wrong to me to make skin color a priority over spreading the gospel to all. Saint Paul would turn over in his grave if he knew about what you are doing.
Navigators, I’m an African American citizen who has been surfing the web trying to find my “peeps”, lol. I may have found you. I appreciate your courage where many just as committed to Christ as you, seem to have been beaten down (or expect to be) and they cower in the face of backlash. The state of racial injustice in the USA is not contestable. The stats are readily available for someone looking. What hasn’t been well known is how we got to where we are today. When you get the full report of history (post-emancipation), then you don’t question the idea of “systemic.” It’s easy to be annoyed, even angry when you see people acting out. It doesn’t advance their cause, so why do it? But walk a day or two in their shoes to better understand the trauma and discouragement many face every day of their lives. Trauma and discouragement are universal experiences, but the story of the formerly enslaved in the USA is uniquely bitter. Do some foot work…or don’t. Nevertheless, I just want to say thank you Navigators. My spirit is revived, and I join with you. You navigators are climbing the rough side of the mountain! Lol. God bless you, and I join with you. Thank you Felton and Cary for your comments.
Really appreciate reading this. I wasn’t aware of the Kairos project, how can we learn more about that, and support that financially?
Wow, thank you so much for such a beautiful, biblical and tender response Navigators. Much love from a (black) sister in Christ 💕
I cannot support an organization that is not willing to talk about both sides of what is happening in our nation at this time. In other words, if you are going to address one side, you should address the other. Racism is bad!!! The killing of George, despicable!!! But so is looting, destroying property, burning property, hatred for police in general who risk their lives every single day. Can we not be against racism and pro good cops at the same time? That’s awesome to support and encourage and empower minorities, but you speak nothing of the deplorable actions of those who have destroyed minority business, called for the killing of cops, lump all cops as bad, defaced monuments at will, etc.
In the Navigators pursuit of empowering people of color and rooting out racism in the midst – how will the Navigator’s specifically seek to empower and support the QBIWOC community?
Please consider:
Praying for you all that you continue to allow Jesus lead you in your fight for unity and justice. It is great Evangelism in addition to the Biblical truth
i am a black man in need of start up assistance
Hi Tyrone,
Thank you for your comment. A member of our team will be reaching out to you soon via email.
Feelings and perceptions do not equal objective truth. After 50 years of cultural Marxist propaganda, it is not surprising that those who look for discrimination will perceive it. The millions of immigrants to the US of all backgrounds who do astoundingly well testify the lie of systemic racism. The Navigators are complicit in this false narrative, perpetuating the cultural death of minority communities. It would be immoral for me to continue donating to this organization.
Sir, having given to the Navs for some time and am concerned about what used to bedrock (in a variety of key areas if life) cracking beneath our feet, I respectfully request that you provide more detailed information as to what led you to this decision. I, too, am grappling with my future support. Thank you.
I am also saddened and troubled that the Navigators is involved in worldly quarrels that distract from the gospel and one’s personal relationship with God. Please return to the Word of God. Jesus is sufficient for us. We do not need new age philosophies. Remember “…for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
Here are two messages from Dr. Voddie Baucham that address racial reconciliation and the Bible. I think they are very relevant to this post and express the harm that good intentions can do when we go outside of God’s direct message to us through His Word. It’s worth two hours of your life if these things are important to you!
Those Voddie Bauchem messages are AWESOME!!AMEN and AMEN!Let’s RUN back to the Gospel!
Thanks Navs for sharing a tender heart towards a hurting country and a desire to see the gospel reach into every perspective with grace and the mind of Christ. And thanks Truman for speaking and for sharing your perspective and concerns. In every case we have to be spread the aroma of Christ which includes feeling the hurts of those who hurt and when the time is right, insuring that truth is heard. A couple of things to share with you regarding your question. While I served on Nav staff I was able to have heart felt dialogue that represented a variety of views on contentious topics. Brothers and sisters were willing to engage in thoughtful debate and dialogue about contentious topics. They helped to share views and positions as we navigated through choppy waters. A few times I stepped over a line, and I was gently called back to grace but still given my voice. So, I found there was a place for a voice to be heard on many sides of important subjects. I heard once “Four questions for many situations”: 1) what do you mean by that? 2) where do you get your information? 3) how do you know it’s right? 4) what if it’s wrong? It has helped me to dialogue with people about subjects that are easily misunderstood. I’m still learning. I’m currently in “7 Discussions” training with JFA. It begins with 1) Listen to understand 2) Ask questions with an open heart 3) Seek common ground. We’ll get there if we lead with love.
This is a much needed ministry.
What is the Navigator’s policy regarding people of color who vehemently disagree with the narrative of systemic racism and intersectionality? Will they be ignored or platformed? Will their voices be weighed equally, or will they be dismissed?
As immitators of Christ, will we strive only to embody the love and grace of our Lord, or will we also passionately seek to mirror His reasoning, logic, and zealous adherence to truth? What does it look like to comfort the brokenhearted, while not compromising on truth and objective reality?
I don’t know how the Navigator leadership will respond but as an African American living in America all my life, I would like to respond. We should show love and understanding to all. We are all made in the image of God. The truth is the truth. One would just need to ask why the narrative of systemic injustice was written? Or what really happened to make our country what it is today? We need to look at the laws and policies that benefit some and hurt others. These things are not hidden. We just need to fact check things such as housing laws, public education regulations, and sentencing regulations. I used to disagree with the systematic racism narrative until I tried to reconcile some of my experiences with what I believed to be true. Then I did some fact checking. Each person is on their own journey and as Navigators it is our job to walk with them during the journey. I would like to walk along side of anyone God puts into my path and help them work through these issues.
I have faced ups and downs and I have at times fell into the trap of blaming my downs on so-called “racism” or the “system.” God has shown me He is in control and I should welcome His discipline and delight in hardship and persecution, as the Bible teaches us to do. Any “injustice,” real or perceived, is counted as gain, and cannot separate me from God’s love. Our Justice was Jesus dying on the cross for us, for our sins. God, by His grace, pardoned us of the eternal judgement of death, and so we should also extend that grace to others instead of accusing others of “hate,” “racism,” and “brutal murder.” We should focus on our own hearts and not throw around accusations, for it is God who knows the thoughts of man.