The Blind Will See

Amber was on her way out of the student center and we happened to be sitting in her favorite circle of chairs, so she asked if she could join us while she finished up working on something. I don’t think she realized she was sitting in on a guys’ small group Bible study, but the more the merrier, we thought!

We immediately recognized Amber was blind. Our Bible study that day was focused on the story of Jesus healing a blind man in John 9.

I wondered how we could invite Amber into our conversation. After many unsure looks among our group, I asked her if she had ever heard this story from the Bible and if we could read it to her and ask her a few questions. “Really?” she said. “Okay.”

After reading the story, we asked Amber how her experience with losing her sight affected her view of God. “I know there’s a higher power,” she said. “I lost my sight when I was 14. I think if I could see once then somehow I could see again.”

We continued to ask what she thought about Jesus seeking not only to heal the man, but restore a relationship with Him.

“Honestly, I would really like that kind of relationship. I just don’t know how.” Amber’s face tightened and she began to cry, “I have so many issues with acceptance and abandonment.”

We assured her we each had issues as well, but that just as Jesus did in the story, He had initiated a relationship with each of us, and that He wanted to have a relationship with her.

It was a very emotional moment for Amber and she seemed too undone to respond, but she spoke out loud to God and asked for His help as we prayed.

We connected Amber with Kimberly, a committed student in the Navs community, who met with her to hear her story more intimately and get to know her. During their lunch together, Amber decided to give her life to Jesus! Life with Jesus is uncharted territory for Amber, but she is learning and we’re walking together with her through hurt, shame, and brokenness, into healing, hope, and joy.

Jesus then said, “I came into the world to bring everything into the clear light of day, making all the distinctions clear, so that those who have never seen will see, and those who have made a great pretense of seeing will be exposed as blind.” John 9:39 (MSG)

Pray for God’s light to shine through Navigator staff serving college students on campuses all over the world.

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