6 Ways To Break Down Spiritual Barriers

6 Ways To Break Down Spiritual Barriers The Navigators Woman Praying Against Brick Wall

We know that bringing people into the Kingdom of God is a spiritual undertaking. Yet we spend a lot of time trying to persuade people with philosophical or intellectual arguments. If the struggle for someone’s soul is spiritual, how can we engage people in a spiritual manner? Prayer is a powerful spiritual weapon for a spiritual battle. How can you pray for those around you who don’t yet know Jesus?

Here are six ways you can break down spiritual barriers:

  1. Put in their hearts a desire to know Him and to seek for truth. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message (Acts 16:14).
  2. Remove whatever the enemy is using to blind them and keep them from trusting Christ. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 4:4).
  3. Convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment, and of their need for a Savior. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8).
  4. Cause them to experience the Gospel—not only in word, but with power. Because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction (1 Thessalonians 1:5).
  5. Reveal to them who Jesus Christ really is. Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven” (Matthew 16:16-17).
  6. Stir up in them a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled (Matthew 5:6).

Jot down the names of people you’d like to pray for using the suggestions above.

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Adapted from Praying for Others Who Do Not Yet Know Jesus. Arranged by Roger Van Noord and Dennis Williams The Navigators U.S. Metro Ministries Detroit, May 2010.

Post by The Navigators -


  1. Please pray for me and my entire family, we have been struggling with this spirit of backwardness, please help me

  2. Good day, pls pray for me and my entire family,every thing have been rough for me and my family, All my life has been struggling and anything I lay hands on to head way my life will just set back to square one in a short period of time. Pls I needs a break through prayers. Am married with two kids. My name is nkemakolam casmir.

  3. Thank you so much I have three brothers two have just backslided Jimmy & Naledi. Brother Eric does not know Jesus please help me pray 4 them in Jesus Christ name.

  4. Please brethren, pray for me. I’ve been suffering from a secret sin, and i’ve been struggling with making a headway in life, family and friends are nowhere to be found. Please remember me in your daily prayers.

  5. Hi this is Dee who left an prayer request on your website on 7/15/21. May I please receive a reply.. Thanks!

  6. My son in law is not saved; my daughter is. He is tormented by unclean spirits, has strongholds of pride, perversion, anger, disrespect, hater of God, sower of discord and I can go on and on.
    I have a desire in my heart to pray for him and to fight the good fight of faith for his salvation which I know came from God. He has cut us off to visit the family and our grandchildren… so speaking to him is not an option now.

    I’m asking Jesus in prayer how do I fight in the spirit for His salvation? What scriptures do I use? I know we do not battle flesh and blood but how do I battle the enemy who I know has his eyes blinded just like ours were?


  7. I pray for my sister she is in Germany her name is Faith Akomire may Jehovah God protect her may she achieve what she need may her day be bless. In Jesus mighty name Amen.

  8. This wonderful, I am toucth by this , with this I can go ahead to others, n win souls for Christ Jesus .
    Thank you

  9. Spot-on. Once again, the Navigators have nailed it. Thank you for a great article. Also, I like the prayer requests here. I have lifted them to the Throne of grace. Suzie, take heart, prison is a great place and I know God uses incarceration to separate people from the world so they may hear His voice more clearly. My prayer is that your son Paul sees the magnitude of God’s love for Him and that he rests fully in God’s care (Isaiah 41:10). And Valerie, I am lifting your family in prayer as well. You know the Lord is faithful and just. When you pray, write a prayer journal and you will see all the areas of His Grace and provision. He will not break a bruised reed (Isaiah 42). The older I get, the more the Lord brings me to His simple truth, and, although He has freed me from the shackles of this world, daily He SHOWS me that I am on HIS schedule, not mine. Currently I am at a crossroad with an unsaved neighbor who denies the True Living God and has replaced Him with a god of his own making. This neighbor shouts me down at the slightest indication of Biblical Truth, and the man remains unsaved, given over to a reprobate mind. So now I pray for him and bring the power of heaven against the evil one. 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Romans 1:28 are Truths that point me to Ephesians 6. I am on God’s schedule and my life is HIS turf. I pray that He will use me to His glory. More Jesus- Less Me. I’m a wayfaring stranger, passing through this world of woe. Amen.

  10. I love the Navigators ability to make things meaningful, helpful, and yet simple. We first joined a Nav group in the 70’s, while my husband was in the military. The group we had then, and many more in the future helped us grow, learn and encouraged us as we now help others to find a “home and family” in the Lord. Thanks for all you do, love this connection.

  11. Please pray for my prodigol son Mark Joseph Vargas to come into a personal relationship with Jesus and to have a personal encounter with Jesus. I am praying in agreement with my two grandchildren for Mark to get a job with Miller Glass in Chico, Calif. He is a journeyman glaizer of 7 years who lost his Job, fiancee, and family in 2017. Please come also into agreement with me for his job with Miller Glass, family restoration and whatever God wills for him, Hillary and two grandchildren Mark Edward Vargas and Leland Monroe Vargas. I am desperate for the Lords help. I am burdened by financially helping my son and in constant pain to see him rebelling and being stubborn. Help me King Jesus in Jesus Name. Thank you Valarie

    1. I understand what you are going through. Just know that once you start praying for your son to be loosed from the chains of Satan on his life, he will change him from anger, impatience, un broken yokes and pain. Every family needs a praying mother so continue to seek him every day. May God bless you my sister Valerie. Don’t give up on him. God can and he will bring what your son has lost back together again but you must BELIEVE!

  12. U r so right I”m a Christian & I have s son his name is Paul & he would come against me alot his in prison & he started to call on the lord & the lord answered him and said he can’t understand why the lord would answer him after he rejected him so much so the spiritual battle is on so please help me pray for my son thank u do much my name is Suzie

    1. Praise be to God! He answered him because he love him. God has to sit us still so we can hear his voice. My son is in prison also but God is doing a great thing in his life.

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