The Importance of The Cross and Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus proves that there is life after death (1 Corinthians 15:13-22) and it shows us that Jesus was, in fact, who He said He was! Navigators former U.S. President Doug Nuenke shares encouragement to walk in the Good News during Holy Week.

As we approach Easter, there are many things that could be said about the importance of the cross, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. However, there are three primary things to highlight:

1. Every aspect of the Good News of Jesus is rooted, connected, catalyzed, and proven through the events we remember during Easter.

This includes our adoption, the promised Holy Spirit, reconciliation with God, and more.

The resurrection of Jesus proves that there is life after death (1 Corinthians 15:13-22) and it shows us that Jesus was, in fact, who He said He was! All of Jesus’ truth claims and “I am” statements are proven true in His rising on the third day.

2. The cross and the blood of Christ are the basis for our redemption.

Read the following passages of Scripture:

3. The resurrection is the foundation for our new life and the power of living in Jesus.

Read the following passages of Scripture:

The fact that, in faith, we are now alive in Jesus and no longer stuck in the death of sin is very good news!


As you reflect on these aspects of the gospel, what new insights do you gain? How does it make you feel? How does this encourage you as you walk in the Good News during Holy Week?

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By Doug Nuenke, Former U.S. President, The Navigators

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