Five Traits of a Disciplemaker

Jesus calls His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This call is meant for us, too! It shows we’re invited to be disciples of Jesus and disciplemakers for Him as well. Consider these five traits of a disciplemaker to assess your spiritual growth and gauge how to invest in those you’re discipling.

In the Great Commission, Jesus calls His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This call is meant for us, too! It shows we’re invited to be disciples of Jesus and disciplemakers for Him as well. Consider these five traits of a disciplemaker as a spiritual roadmap to assess your spiritual growth and gauge how to invest in those you’re discipling.

1. Jesus

Demonstrates a passion to know, love and become like Christ

Philippians 3:8-10

Disciplemakers are followers of Jesus who have a passion to know and love Him. They are purposeful to deepen their intimacy with Him. Their personal ministry to friends and family overflows from time alone with Jesus. The focus of this trait is more than just knowing about God; it’s about knowing Him personally and walking deeply with Him.

2. The Word

Knows and lives from the Scriptures

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Disciplemakers can accurately handle the Word of God. They know how to read it, study it, talk about it and pass it on to others. A disciplemaker understands the truth and sufficiency of the Word as a guide for all aspects of life.

3. Community

Pursuing Biblical community

Hebrews 10:24-25

The Lord designed us to walk with Him in community with others. Disciplemakers will be intentional to seek, pursue and create community among believers to spur each other toward love and good deeds. Biblical community includes family as well as extended communities of followers of Christ. Biblical community also draws those without Christ to the Lord (John 13:33-34).

4. The Lost

Lives among those who do not know or follow Christ

I Thessalonians 2:8

Disciplemakers spend quality time among those who are without Christ. They will be purposeful to love, serve and help them understand the gospel. They are marked by a strong commitment to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) and a strong compassion for the brokenness of those without Christ. Disciplemakers proclaim and affirm the gospel with both their words and their lives.

5. Spiritual Generations

Advancing the Gospel through spiritual generations

2 Timothy 2:2

Disciplemakers are personally involved with helping others move closer to Christ as Savior and Lord. They meet Life-to-Life® to help non-believers understand who Jesus claims to be, and to establish young believers in their faith. Disciplemakers may lead groups of others in studying and applying the Word. Anything that helps others move closer to Christ is discipleship. Disciplemakers help others catch a vision for investing in the spiritual growth of friends, creating a ripple effect of new spiritual generations who follow Jesus.

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  1. Add prayer, dependence on the leading of the Holy Spirit, authenticity, accountability, relational not program oriented.

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