Born to Reproduce

Hundreds of thousands have been challenged and many lives changed by hearing the audio and reading the printed versions of Dawson Trotman’s Born to Reproduce.

Born to Reproduce was originally a 47-minute message given by Navigator founder Dawson Trotman in 1955 – a message that burned deeply in his soul.

Of the many words Dawson spoke and wrote, the 5700 word, 47 minute message he gave to a conference sponsored by Back to the Bible during the closing months of his life is most widely known, read, heard, and quoted. The message contains the subjects Dawson felt most strongly about.

Decades later, hundreds of thousands have been challenged and many lives changed by hearing the audio and reading the printed versions of Born to Reproduce.

Listen to Born to Reproduce

Order the Booklet to Share

This classic Navigators discipleship message was later transcribed and published by NavPress. Read by thousands, it has reintroduced the message to a new generation.

The Born to Reproduce booklet is available in packs of 10, so you can share this inspiring discipleship message with those you are discipling.

Additional Languages

Born to Reproduce is also available in the following languages:

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