When God is in Charge of a Business: Sharing the Love of Jesus

Nearly 30 years ago, a couple who wanted to serve God overseas among unreached people learned that people with business experience and teachers are welcome in countries that restrict missionary visas. The doors were opened for them to live in a country with little gospel presence based on their professional experience. For the last 20 years, they have stewarded a business with the goal of spiritual transformation. Here is their story:

Most citizens in our adopted country belong to a religion that is hostile to the gospel. The people around us have grown up hearing all kinds of untruths about Jesus. Their hearts tend to be resolutely closed to following Him. What a privilege and honor it has been to rub shoulders at work, day in and day out with people who would not or could not set foot in a church building.

“God is teaching us that the only metric for success in the business world, or any other sphere, is love.”

When God is in Charge of a Business: Sharing the Love of Jesus | The Navigators World Missions | Diverse group of employees having a conversation

We steward a business with the goal of spiritual transformation. Our prayer is, “May Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven,” as people in our community are changed through our business activities.

This calling is birthed—and bathed—in prayer. Our business manual is the living, breathing Holy Spirit—His written and spoken words. What a Guide!

Stewards, Not Owners

The Holy Spirit is actively involved in every area of the business. God is the CEO and exclusive owner of the company. We are the stewards of what He has given us, not the owners. This subtle difference changes everything.

When the economy collapsed, we realized that if we were the owners, we would have been stressed and sleepless. As stewards, we made an appointment with the boss to inform Him of the situation: “Boss, there’s an issue with Your business . . .” We discovered, of course, that He saw the collapse coming. We left the problem on His desk and walked away greatly impacted by His peace.

God is in the Details

We’ve set aside a special “office” for the CEO. We call it “the prayer and reflection room.” We invite everyone who enters the premises to come and meet God in the prayer room and spend some time in His presence. Many take us up on it, providing meaningful opportunities to pray with our staff. We have made it our goal to be with the Owner in His office as much as we can. We are learning that when we spend time in His presence, we begin to see things the way He does.

One night our staff was working very late, implementing new software to manage business operations. After dinner, we were on our way to a prayer meeting when traffic became so bad that we decided to give up and head back home. The Holy Spirit spoke up: “Go and drop by the office and encourage the workers there instead.” We turned around and surprised the staff with snacks to keep them going. We quickly discovered that they had encountered a problem that they expected would take four days—and nights—to correct. The entire business would be on hold until the issue was resolved. We interceded right there, asking God for a creative and quick solution. The next morning, the staff told us that within an hour after we left, they had a breakthrough and miraculously resolved the issue!

God Cares for Hearts

If God is so interested in the operational details, how much more so is He passionate about the hearts of the people. Jesus Himself is actively pursuing every individual we hire and every client we work with. Recently I asked four of our staff if they’ve ever seen “the Man in white” (Jesus) in their dreams. (In this part of the world, dreams are a way that God breaks through to people.) One of them answered right away, “My daughter sees Him all the time.” Another woman described a dream she’d had just the night before! The Holy Spirit is at work in amazing ways here, wooing and drawing hearts to Himself.

To sustain and encourage us, God has given us multiple promises for the salvation of the people we work with. The other day, I was in the prayer room when one of the promises, Zechariah 8:21 (ESV), came to mind, in which one group says to another, “Let us go at once to entreat the favor of the Lord and to seek Him; I myself am going.” I began to praise God that His promises are Yes and Amen in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20), and as good as done.

Minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Fatima walked in, followed by Gül. “I don’t know why, but it’s like God drew me here with a magnet,” Fatima said.

“Yes,” Gül continued, “She came to me and said, ‘Let us go at once to the prayer room and ask Elizabeth to pray for us. I myself am going.’”

Loving the One

As He woos their hearts, He’s also drawing us in. God is teaching us that the only metric for success in the business world, or any other sphere, is love. We take the time to treat each person as valued and deeply loved by God. A few years ago, the Lord challenged us to pray with every person in our company who became ill. Soon one of our leaders had major surgery, and we went to see her in the hospital to pray. We discovered that she had developed an infection and spiked a fever. The doctor had told her she couldn’t leave for at least another week, and that her recovery would take six months. I shared the story of the paralytic with her and asked permission to lay hands on her and pray in Jesus’ name.

After I finished praying, she said, “WHAT is in your hands? I felt this HEAT  . . .” That evening, the doctor confirmed that her infection and fever were completely gone. He sent her home the next day! Two—not six—months later, our CFO was back at work, telling everyone, “Jesus heals!”

God’s mercy and love expressed in practical and miraculous ways in our business give us hope for gospel transformation in individuals and society. “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” Romans 5:5 (ESV).

*All names have been changed.

Praise God that His Spirit is active even in cultures where there are restrictions on Christians. Consider how you can live out your faith in your business and neighborhood, being salt and light for those the Spirit has prepared to hear and respond.


  1. Great story.
    I believe we will win more souls when we live & work as living letters of the word.

  2. Thank you for sharing your business model; God uses us in different ways to make His gospel known. You are encouraging and uplifting in spirit and such a great example for us to follow.

  3. Such a wonderful story of God’s Love and Mercy thru the Holy Spirit! and the scripture was used in living color at the time; so amazing-awesome! Praise His holy Name!

  4. God is active in so many ways that we do not see, This account is such a powerful testimony of God’s work being visible to those who are seeking Him. This challenges me to seek Him and His work going on around me each day so that I can join in the work and give Him praise for His love and provision. What a privilege to be a vessel He can use. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I loved it and challenged me because I too am a business owner. Praise be to God for all the things He has done and continues to do.

  6. This makes me want to become a business owner. I pray that God reveals his will for us in this desire. Thank you so much for this article!

  7. I stand in agreement to seeing the miracles of our God. Your stories have greatly encouraged me. He alone has been our help in times of great need.

  8. I enjoyed reading this article. I also wanted to say hello to Chuck Steen. My wife and I know Chuck from Memphis. We are in San Antonio and getting ready to retire from a Bible Institute.

    Randy and Gail Leavitt

  9. I feel challenged and and desire to see clients & coworkers in my busy come to faith & deepen their faith walk ….& especially to spend time with the Owner! Thanks. Beautiful, powerful witness

  10. Thrilling, encouraging and challenging! May He continue to stir and give hunger in may hearts through them.

    1. Yes, a good article and hi to Chuck and Randy, we were all in Memphis with Darrel and Vollie Sanders. This is what we want to see more of in the work place. We had a general practice doctor, that can’t remember his name just now, but he really lived this out in his practice. I always think of him and his desire and follow-thru. He shared Christ love with everyone and in a way that was so very genuine. He set a great example for us to follow.

    2. What an encouraging story! I manage a family generational trust portfolio and I pray for God’s wisdom and knowledge in our investment decisions often. Because God owns all of us, including our finances, we see ourselves as merely stewards of His provisions to be shared generously with others in need. In my business matters, I am often able to encourage others with what God has done in our lives. We have been able to minister to our neighbors (some believers; some not) with God’s love and prayers. We recently were praying and fasting for a neighbor with Stage 4 cancer. The doctor told her in June that she had 2-6 months to live. Today she is cancer free and is a walking, living miracle of His healing. God chose to take another husband/father in our neighborhood home at an early age, after suffering from alcoholism, diabetes and strokes. We are able to minister God’s love and provision to his widow and children. All around us are people suffering and hurting to know and to experience God’s love through us!

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