Reaching the Workplace

Billy Graham once said that he believed one of the next great movements of God would come through believers in the workplace.

That’s not surprising, given the emphasis the Bible places on the value of work. Where we work and what we do are part of His plan for reaching the world with the Gospel.

Jesus told His followers, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people” (Matthew 4:19 nrsv). If you want to catch fish, you need to go where the fish are. Approximately 155 million people make up the workforce in the United States.

Think about how Christ followers are having a transformative impact on their workplace through their attitudes, words, and actions. Whole companies could be transformed. The impact could spread to neighborhoods, communities, and cities. Spiritual generations of laborers could reach and equip others right where they are.

That’s what excites me about working with Nav Workplace. We currently work in 10 U.S. cities—meeting in train stations, restaurants, hotels, and even on conference calls—impacting lives with the Gospel.

I worked at IBM for 31 years and loved working there. My role gave me many opportunities to be a servant leader in such a way that it became a part of our culture and how we operated. I wanted to be that aroma of Christ that lingers like a freshly baked pie (see 2 Corinthians 2:14)!

We cannot be bystanders. We must be available for God to use us to train others who will walk with God for a lifetime.

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