More Ministry is the New Normal

Navigators Workplace staff Karen Warin used to disciple from Albuquerque coffee shop booths and living room circles. Now she sees her disciples live on a screen and daily Zoom calls are the new normal.

“The amazing thing is that it’s working—really well,” Karen says. “Ministry is going ahead full steam. I’ve found that connecting with people virtually actually gives me more opportunity to minister. No travel time. Everyone is now available. Just in the past week I’ve walked with women through marriage struggles, depression issues, anxiety over current events, and feelings of uselessness.”

Woman holding cell phone

One of the young women that Karen is discipling is a flight attendant with a major airline reeling from COVID-19’s impact on the travel industry. After meeting for several years, the two currently connect via Facetime.

“She recently texted me from a hotel room in Houston after having a hard couple of days,” Karen says. “She said, ‘I just started praying and I had this thought—what a wonderful time to grow closer to God and trust in Him! I really felt it deep down. I’ve been praying for opportunity to be a witness for Christ and He’s answering!’ She went on to share excitedly about an opportunity she had shortly after to share her faith with nonbelieving friends.”

Karen does group Zoom calls with other women she disciples to hear stories of intentional relationship building. One-on-one calls allow her to hear how others are doing in more detail and pray for them. 

“The ideas are endless, and I can’t even keep up with what I want to do to connect with people,” Karen says. “I’m busier than ever!”

One thing keeping her busy these days is meeting virtually once a week with a group of millennials who are eager to grow in their walk with Christ.

“A common theme among more than a few of the women I meet with is depression and anxiety,” Karen says. “From general worry and anxiety over the ‘what-ifs’ of the future, to full-blown panic attacks and bouts of depression, these women struggle and seek help in the Word and in godly counsel.”

The struggle is real.

So, recently, Karen decided to host a series of Zoom calls with qualified Christian guest speakers sharing about depression and anxiety. Their first call two weeks ago included around 10 women.

“The women seemed genuinely engaged and encouraged by the conversations,” Karen says. “Several have asked if they can invite a friend to the next one.”

What may have seemed at first to be disabling restriction has become a launching pad for creativity and holy investment.

“God is at work during these turbulent times,” Karen says. “Investing in the lives of others makes an eternal difference!”

Please pray for creative ways to reach out to those in your life who may be struggling and who need encouragement. God is opening doors for transformation—we need only listen to His leading.


  1. Thank you for sharing how you are ministering online. It is encouraging how God is using you and creating new opportunities.
    We are finding lots of anxiety and depression affecting people in our church also. Can you tell me how to access your speaker Zoom or direct me on who to contact to get one going?
    Thank you very much and God bless you.

    1. Nancy, we have a qualified, exceptional speaker on Nav Staff, Caitlin Borunda, who spoke to our group on anxiety and depression and did a phenomenal job. You can reach out to her on the Nav website!

      Also, for my weekly zoom Bible Study on Abiding with Christ you can get info at my website, I hope this helps!

  2. Yes, I’m a part of Karen’s weekly Zoom Bible study lessons. Love it! Yes, I said I want to get closer to the Lord these days.too. And a friend sent me Karen’s link. it’s wonderful!! Thank you so much!

  3. So good to hear that opportunities are emerging daily for ministry of the Gospel. God bless all these efforts. “THY KINGDOM COME!!”

  4. Wow! This is great to hear. What an opportunity we have to be used by God during this time of needs…needs that are hidden, unless someone is willing to put in the work to bring them out. I am strongly encouraged by how God is using you Karen and how quickly and obediently you stepped up for the call. You are using technology as a tool to really capitalize and therefore minister to your sphere of influence. Thank you Lord! Thank you Laren and way to go!

  5. THis was very good news. I need to reach out to as many as I can through my emails since I am homebound at 85. No longer able to teach my Bible class at an assisted living place nor do visitation at our local hospital, I yearn for ways to encourage and comfort others. Thank you for this.

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