Men Who Change the World

Deep down in every man’s soul is a longing to change the world. And the world is in desperate need of men who have what it takes to change the course of history. Yet for most guys, the world is changing them more than they are changing the world.

Diverse Group of Men in a Bible Study at a Cafe

Bryce Bouchard has been discipling men since 1996 through Navigators Collegiate on several campuses. He has seen the life transformation that can happen through Life-to-Life® discipleship—the change of young men from the inside out. He has also observed that life transformation is not an easy process, but it takes an intentional, dedicated focus. The passion to develop disciplemakers who will lead and change the world spurred Bryce on to develop the Noblemen Course—a 12-week commitment that gives men the impetus to learn and live out their influence for God’s Kingdom. The name “Noblemen” comes from Isaiah 32:8: “The noble man makes noble plans and by noble deeds he stands.”

Rich Redel, Navigators Collegiate, Arizona State University, shares the impact of the course: “Noblemen continually challenges me personally on what it means to be a man as it applies to my roles as campus director, husband, and father. The effect it has on young men in the ministry is huge!  We see men in the Word consistently, in close fellowship with one another, and tackling purity in their personal lives and interactions with women. The big takeaways seem to be deep healthy relationships with other men and a commitment to God and His Word.”

Noblemen is designed for men who want to know what it means to be a godly man and how to live that out within their own sphere of influence. Everything taught is designed to be passed on—as men flourish through the deep investment, they can do the same for others. Simply put, the men who complete Noblemen are transformed, and they are transforming those around them. About 1,500 men have completed the course, and while it started with college men, the ministry has spread to include courses for men in the workplace and in churches. Topics such as identity in Christ, intimacy with Christ, purity, wisdom, work ethic, authentic friendships, and assuming responsibility are covered in the course.

By taking the time to honestly addresses the challenges that men face in our culture, and applying biblical truth to these challenges, men are equipped to live out their faith.

Cody Hanssen, Navigators Collegiate at University of Minnesota Duluth, shared feedback from students who completed the Noblemen Course this spring: “I’ve seen the high calling God has for men and for me. The Noblemen Course helped me understand how the Great Commission is something that you cannot turn off when you don’t feel like it. Christ has called us to share the gospel, no matter who we are around.”

Find out more about the Noblemen Course and purchase the curriculum at There is also a course for women coming out in January 2021!  This resource was created by Bryce Bouchard, founder of Noblemen Ministries. Please pass this resource along to those in your life who may benefit from such in-depth discipleship training.

Praise God for the life transformation through the ministry of Navigators Collegiate and the Noblemen Course. Pray that the next generation of young men will flourish as disciplemakers who change the world.


  1. Thanks for this article! I would love to learn more about the Noblemen Course. I wasn’t able to follow the link, so if an update comes out please let me know! Thanks very much!

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