Living Theology Podcast with the Luebe Brothers

Common Challenges for Christians “How the Gospel Motivates Change” – Latest Podcast from the Luebe Brothers

The Luebe brothers each began to walk with the Lord while growing up in a Navigator ministry household. Their parents, Jim and Beth Luebe, lived out discipleship and gospel-based ministry and set an example for them. 

Today Doug, Greg, and Mark are best friends and all work in vocational ministry. In December 2018, Mark shared his idea to start a podcast about living out the gospel with Doug and Greg. They started the podcast to learn from one another and to provide a resource that addresses the most common questions in their ministries.

Their discussions are down-to-earth and Bible-based as they engage with hard topics and wrestle through living for Christ. 

Here are a few topics you can check out: 

Common Challenges for Christians “How the Gospel Motivates Change”

Common Challenges for Christians – Anxiety.
A two-part series.

Why Do We Believe the Bible is True?

Coronavirus: “Lord teach us to pray”

The Gospel and Race: “The Image of God and Grieving”

How can God be all good, all loving and all powerful when there is evil in the world? 

Check out every episode at

Post by The Navigators -


  1. This year marks 50 years that I have known some friends for 50 years. I met them while I was a university student. One of them is the man who led me to Christ and another was the leader of the Navigators on the campus. One of the men I reached became a campus leader with the Navigators. All of those who have continued to make the kind of disciples Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19, 20 have had a consistent devotional life and live out James 1:22.

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