Kenya – Waterers of the Word

 The Navigators

In Kenya, approximately 80% of people are professing Christians. While there this summer, we were discussing how difficult it is to gauge the extent to which people believe and follow Jesus because many speak “Christian lingo” solely to fit in with the culture. Soon after our discussion, my wife, Rachel, and a friend had an opportunity to witness to a taxi driver named Sammy. While en route, the traffic jams slowed enough to share the Gospel with Sammy. When asked if he was ready to accept Jesus, he honestly responded, “Bado” (not yet).

Later, Rachel and I had the opportunity to share more with him and upon our departure he agreed to read Romans 10. He has still not made a profession of faith in Jesus but we feel privileged to be “waterers” of the Word. We will continue to pray for Sammy in the months to come.

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