Japan – Sparking Interest in Jesus

 The Navigators

In Japan, I finally understood what it means to share the Gospel by befriending someone. Although the Japanese are not intimidated by the Bible like Americans are, they are not very interested in the Bible, either.

Our team became good friends with one of the girls at our campus, M-chan, and by the end of our stay there she joined us regularly for Bible studies. Here’s the thing, though—she attended them so faithfully because she wanted to be with us. It was because of our relationship that she wanted to come and talk about the Bible. Even though we have left now, she has plans to read through the New Testament on her own.

On campus this fall, I plan to seek out close friendships with people who don’t know Jesus yet. In the past, I’ve shared my faith with acquaintances if the opportunity arose, but I spent all my time with believers. Fellowship is important, but I’ve learned that if I don’t spend time hanging out with non-believers, I’m not likely to become good enough friends with them to spark their interest in Jesus.

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