The Navigators 5-14 Day Online Bible Studies

Dig into God’s Word every day with these short 5-14 day online Bible studies you can access on your phone with the YouVersion Bible app.

The Navigators 5-14 Day Online Bible Studies are short, easy-to-access studies that you can complete on your phone through the YouVersion Bible app. Join us as we journey through topics like prayer, discipleship, trusting God, and growing your confidence as a disciplemaker. You’ll find these short Bible reading plans help you easily create a Bible reading habit and give you an opportunity to invite friends for discussion and accountability.

These plans will help you dig into the Bible every day even when you’re on-the-go through the YouVersion Bible app on your phone. You’ll discover profound truths to grow your relationship with Jesus and confidence as a disciplemaker. Explore all our YouVersion Bible reading plans below.

The Navigators Online Bible Studies on the YouVersion Bible App

Discipleship 101: Following Jesus with Friends

Growing in Christ and helping others do the same sums up discipleship. Do you wonder what that looks like? You’re not alone. Most people either haven’t heard of “discipleship” or lack confidence in how to do it. Explore how Jesus invited His friends (disciples) to follow Him and what this means for us in this five-day online Bible study.

Praying Together: The Power of Praying With a Friend

Do you want a powerful prayer life? When there’s an opportunity to pray together, do you hesitate to join in? Explore the importance and power of praying together and the simple next steps for praying with your friends in this five-day online Bible study.

Anxiety, Hope, and Our Father: He Sees, He Cares, He Provides

Anxiety can grow inside us like a contagion as we battle external stress and internal doubt. Jesus knew that the better we know our Father, the less reason we’ll have to be anxious. Dig into Matthew 6 where Jesus draws us back to our Father, the One who sees us, knows our needs, and provides hope in this seven-day online Bible study.

Fight on Your Knees—Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Jesus’ followers are in a spiritual battle. Because we seek to live for God, we are the targets of enemy attacks. Satan, God’s enemy and ours, will do all he can to leave us discouraged, doubting, and defeated. In this 14-day online Bible study, these brief prayers and foundational Scriptures will help you to keep your eyes on Jesus, stand firm in the faith, and experience daily victory as you “fight on your knees”!

Iron Sharpens Iron: Life-to-Life Mentoring in the Old Testament

Do you long to “make disciples who make disciples,” to follow Jesus’ mandate in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)? If so, you may have found that it can be difficult to find role models for this process. Whose example can you follow? What does disciplemaking look like in everyday life? In this five-day online Bible study, look into the Old Testament to see how five men and women invested in others Life-to-Life®.

Motivation for the Great Commission

Perhaps you’ve heard someone talk about the Great Commission to “disciple the nations” (see Matthew 28:18-20) this way: “Jesus had only one plan—His disciples—and if they didn’t do it, it wouldn’t get done!” One might respond, “I feel like it all depends on me!” In this seven-day online Bible study, look to God’s Word to better understand how we might live in light of the Great Commission as disciplemakers and help others do the same!

Simple Steps Toward Intentional Disciplemaking

Every believer is called to make disciples. If God has given you a fresh vision for helping people know Christ, grow in their relationship with Him, and help others do the same, you are in an exciting place—at the core of Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)! In this six-day online Bible study, we’ll explore how Jesus helped people grow spiritually—principles that are still essential for disciplemakers today.

The Heart of a Disciplemaker

We can’t expect a young convert to grow spiritually without follow up. They need much more than a “Call me if you need help!” But sometimes spiritual parents go to the opposite extreme: hovering too close. What’s the balance? In this six-day online Bible study, we’ll explore 1 Thessalonians and the six “heart” guidelines for spiritual parenting. These attitudes will not tell you what to share, but will guide you in how to relate to those you disciple.

Trusting God in the Storm

When life hits like a tornado, where do we go? When we’re anxious about the future, to whom do we turn? Over thousands of years, God’s people have faced setbacks, even disasters. In this nine-day online Bible study, you’ll see how their experiences show us ways we can respond and how our faith in God can remain intact—and maybe get even more real.

Who, Me? Make Disciples? — How God Has Equipped You

When the disciples heard Jesus say, “Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19), they responded, “Yes, Lord,” and did it. Today, when we hear this same command, we respond, “Who, me? I’m not eloquent. No one’s ever shown me how to do this.” But the qualities of a disciplemaker are available to all of us. In this six-day online Bible study, let’s look at how God has equipped you to “make disciples”!

Woman to Woman: Three L’s of Disciplemaking

If you had 15 minutes to share the key things you’ve learned about helping other women grow spiritually, what would you choose? When I was asked to do this, the Lord directed me to three “L’s” that have been crucial in my Life-to-Life® relationships. In this five-day online Bible study, let’s look closely at three L’s of women discipling women.

Follow The Navigators in the YouVersion Bible App.

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