Leave a Legacy by Supporting
Glen Eyrie

Be a Friend of the Glen
Every Castle must have a firm foundation. At Glen Eyrie that firm foundation is YOU. As a Friend of the Glen, you are the support, the base, that helps ministry happen on this soul-stirring property. Your gift allows our guests to experience God in intimate and personal ways.
Your gift as a Friend of the Glen is impacting the Kingdom in the following ways:
- Creating the perfect setting for guests to meet with God
- Providing the best events and spiritual retreats
- Developing the next generation of leaders
- Ensuring that equipped staff are a part of our team
- Stewarding our heritage and protecting our legacy for generations
Support the Sanny Fund
The Sanny Fund was set up by Lorne Sanny and Jack McQueeney before Lorne’s death, to help ungird the ministry of Glen Eyrie. The current balance is $3,400,000 and the goal is to get the fund to $5,000,000. Would you consider a current gift to help us reach that goal?
Would you also consider joining many others who have planned to leave a legacy gift to The Navigators from your will, trust or retirement accounts for the ministry of Glen Eyrie? By giving this way, you can model Christian stewardship to your loved ones AND extend the impact of your generosity well beyond your lifetime! By providing your information below, our Gift Planning team can get in touch with you to help craft a charitable giving plan that supports you, your family, and Glen Eyrie both today—and in the future.