Find Your Friends for the Road

Who do you consistently see each week? 

It could be your family, roommates, fellow soccer moms and dads, your co-workers, those in your Monday morning class, neighbors, friends at the gym, the people you sit behind at church, the group you meet with to watch movies on Friday nights, the list could go on and on. 

What if these people could be on the road with you, following Jesus? 

“When Jesus discipled the twelve, the spiritual and day-to-day matters of their lives intermingled. Life was not private or compartmentalized. Meals and miracles, frustration and affection, sermons and naps, trials and parties—they shared it all. Christians should consider what it would mean to do the same today.” ~Growing Together: A Three-Part Guide for Following Jesus and Bringing Friends on the Journey 

Who are your “Friends for the Road”? Maybe someone came to mind. These Life-to-Life discipleship relationships are the most fulfilling because they take us outside of ourselves and into God’s heart for community. Click below to get your FREE sample content, “Friends for the Road” from Growing Together: A Three-Part Guide for Following Jesus and Bringing Friends on the Journey.

For more information about Growing Together: A Three-Part Guide for Following Jesus and Bringing Friends on the Journey on the Journey and to purchase a copy, visit