How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple — Online Course

Welcome to the online course based on Alice Matagora’s book, How to Save the World: Disicplemaking Made Simple. In this three-part course, you’ll journey with Alice and friends as they share how we all have what it takes to help others grow in Christ as a disciplemaker. 

Each video in the course corresponds with a section in the How to Save the World eBook, which you can download here or by using any of the How to Save the World eBook links below each video. 

You can choose to go through the course all at once or at your own pace! We’re excited about your desire to help someone grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Let’s get started! 

Part 1: The Not-So-Great Disciplemaker: Alice’s Story

Part 2: Grow Your Confidence as a Disciplemaker

Part 3: Tips for Investing in Spiritual Generations

Part 1: The Not-So-Great Disciplemaker: Alice’s Story

In Part 1, Alice explains what discipleship is all about and how even the not-so-great disciplemakers can participate. 

Watch the video below and read Part 1: “The Not-So-Great Disciplemaker: Alice’s Story,” in the How to Save the World eBook. Then continue with the Next Steps section below (or in the eBook). The Next Steps section provides Scriptures for digging deeper and reflection questions to help you take your next steps as a disciplemaker.

Next Steps

Go Deeper: Read Matthew 4:18-22 and John 15:14-15 for more about being a disciple. 

Reflection Questions: 

1. How do you relate to Alice’s story of being a “not-so-great” disciplemaker? What are those obstacles keeping you from disciplemaking? Name them here. 

2. “Discipleship is a relationship where one person helps another as they learn from Jesus together and become more like him.” How does this definition of discipleship impact the obstacles you named above?  

3. Alice shares that disciplemaking isn’t about having certain qualifications, “You just need to pass on what you know about having a relationship with Jesus to someone else.” Describe what you know about having a relationship with Jesus. What does that look like for you today? 

4. How would you share what you described above (about your relationship with Jesus) with one other person? 

5. Discipleship is described as “friendship with a vision.” Who is one person you could begin discipling and share what it looks like to have a relationship with Jesus? Write a prayer for them and ask God to show you the next step. 

Congratulations on finishing Part 1! 

Continue to Part 2 »

Part 2: Grow Your Confidence as a Disciplemaker

In Part 2, Alice helps you grow your confidence as a disciplemaker by sharing the simple qualifications to help someone grow in their relationship with Jesus. 

Watch the video below and read Part 2: “Grow Your Confidence as a Disciplemaker” in the How to Save the World eBook. Then continue with the Next Steps section below (or in the eBook). The Next Steps section provides Scriptures for digging deeper and reflection questions to help you take your next steps as a disicplemaker. 

Next Steps

Go Deeper: Read John 15:5-9; 2 Corinthians 6:1; Philippians 4:13; and 2 Timothy 1:7 for more about why you have what it takes to make disciples. 

Reflection Questions: 

1. Alice shares, “I learned so much through Jane about walking with Jesus. But the craziest thing of all? I learned that God could use me, ordinary me, to advance his kingdom to the ends of the earth.” How can you relate to Alice’s journey as a disciplemaker? Did you hold any beliefs about disicplemaking that you realize now aren’t true? Name them here. 

2. In the video, Alessandro shares how he began discipling someone only a year after he became a Christian. How does this inspire and challenge you?  

3. Considering you can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13) and nothing without Him (John 15:5), how does this change your perspective and impact your confidence when it comes to disciplemaking? Does it alleviate the pressure?  

4. Notice how Alessandro invites Kyle to read the Bible with him. He even describes their times together which include conversations about everyday life and the Bible. How could you take the ideas Alessandro gives about discipleship and make them your own?  

5. What is God stirring in you about being a disciplemaker? What’s one small faith step you can take today to build your confidence that you have what it takes to disciple someone else?  

Congratulations on finishing Part 2! 

Continue to Part 3 »

Part 3: Tips for Investing in Spiritual Generations

In Part 3, Alice provides a vision for how one person can impact many lives through spiritual generations. Through stories from those she’s discipled, you’ll be inspired to help those you’re discipling continue the pattern of helping someone grow in Christ.  

Watch the video below and read Part 3: “Tips for Investing in Spiritual Generations” in the How to Save the World eBook. Then continue with the Next Steps section below (or in the eBook). The Next Steps section provides Scriptures for digging deeper and reflection questions to help you take your next steps as a disicplemaker. 

Next Steps

Go Deeper: Read Genesis 12:1-4 and Hebrews 11:1-12:3 for more about this rich spiritual heritage of people who faithfully followed God and passed on their faith, even when it was difficult. 

Reflection Questions: 

1. Alice describes spiritual generations as, “One person passing on what they know about walking with Jesus and knowing Him to another person (generation). Then that generation, passing on what they know about walking with Jesus to the next generation, and so on.” Who invested in your spiritual life and shared what it looks like to have a relationship with Jesus? What did you learn and receive from their investment in your life?  

2. How have you benefited from someone creating a safe space for you to share your story and journey with Jesus? 

3. In the video, Trinity shares about a friend who has been asking her spiritual questions. At first she didn’t think this was a discipleship opportunity. Could there be a discipleship opportunity in your life that you may not have noticed?  

4. Is there someone who would benefit from you creating a safe space for them to share their story and journey with Jesus? What questions could you ask them to initiate this type of conversation? Write them down below. 

5. If you were to include your name in Hebrews 11, what would your next faith steps be? Write this sentence below and share it with someone who would encourage and hold you accountable to following Jesus and taking your next steps of faith:

By faith [insert your name], [insert the simple next steps you will take to grow in Christ and help someone else do the same]. 

Congratulations on finishing the How to Save the World online course! 

If you enjoyed this online course, you might also enjoy:

• Trusting God in the Storm online video series: Learn to trust God through the hard times through this 9-session video course. 

Digital Discipleship Journey: A series of 8 to 13 weekly emails designed to help you grow spiritually, curated based on your answers to some brief questions about your walk with God.