Thank You, friend…Your Online Course is on its way!

Thank you for taking the time to grow as a disciplemaker. You will soon receive an email with access to the How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple—Online Course. We are dedicated to helping people draw closer to Jesus Christ through discipleship tools like this.

Here’s a little secret about why we’re giving this online course to you, absolutely free of charge: The great thing about becoming a disciplemaker is that it not only impacts those you disciple, but it changes you—growing you closer to Jesus as you come alongside someone else doing the same. Thank you for your desire to be equipped to disciple others wherever God has placed you. 

Consider what would happen if more people like you discovered they have what it takes to be a disciplemaker. This could impact generations! Since you have shown personal interest in helping someone grow in Christ, would you prayerfully consider passing this gift forward to bless more people who need encouragement by giving a generous gift today? Not only will your gift help fellow believers be equipped as disciplemakers, but you’ll give them the encouragement to reach others who don’t know Jesus.

Thank you for giving people the tools to grow confidently as disciplemakers!

Click the button below to donate now:

A Ministry You Can Trust

The Navigators is a Charter Member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

The Navigators is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Program Services: 79.2%

General & Administrative: 9.9%

Fundraising: 10.9%

Learn more about how your gift is used or view financial reports.