Trusting God in the Storm:
Session Three

Welcome to Session 3 of the Trusting God in the Storm devotional series with Mike Jordahl by The Navigators. This session points to our sure foundation in the storms of life.

Video Points

  • The Lord is our sure and stable foundation in life.
  • He gives salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
  • Jesus repeatedly proves His claim to be our stability through both the ups and downs.

Memory Verse

And He will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is his treasure.” Isaiah 33:6 NAS

Today’s Reading

1 Samuel 22:1-2

Psalm 57


Down and Out but Looking Up

On the run from Saul, David and some fellow soldiers found themselves holed up in a cave. Yet David didn’t despair. How did he stick with God? His song in the cave yields some clues. As you meditate on Psalm 57, note how David names his fears, even using ravenous carnivores as a metaphor. He also calls out the bigness of his God and turns his prayer of fear to praise. Finding peace can elude the best of us during scary times. Have you ever nursed your fears, poring over websites that feed your anxiety? Or have you named your specific fears and taken them to God? During a crisis, have you learned to ask God to serve as your refuge, your rescuer? If you’re feeling the strain of adverse circumstances, can you turn them over to God now?

Questions for Thought

  1. What does it mean to harden your heart when you hear the voice of God?
  2. How does Jesus’s promise to always be with you make you feel at this moment?
  3. Are there often times when it seems like you are all alone? What is the best thing to do during those times?