Bringing Friends on the Journey

Your Spiritual Family Tree

Read the resource text below or click the “Download Resource” button to access a version to keep for review throughout your week.

Mapping out our spiritual heritage is a powerful experience. It reminds us to be grateful for those who planted and watered the seeds of faith in our lives. It also reminds us that we are called to bear fruit in the lives of others by inviting them to know Christ, make Him known and help others do the same (John 15:16).


We are part of something bigger than ourselves. There are those who introduced us to Jesus. Some helped us start to grow as His followers. We have the privilege to be involved in the lives of others—passing on what we have learned.

Use this “spiritual family tree” as a reminder of those who have played a significant role in your spiritual life. Under “Me” in the illustration, write the names of those who introduced you to Jesus and helped you grow. If you know who influenced them, write their names down, too (it’s OK if you don’t know). Take a moment to thank God for the people who came before you in faith.

But don’t stop there! In the spaces above “Me” write the names of people you can influence by sharing Christ or mentoring them. Maybe it’s someone you’re already helping. Maybe it’s someone you’d like to help. If nobody comes to mind, that’s OK. Ask God to bring someone into your life that you can help. “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4).


  1. Your Roots. Thank God for those He placed in your life to help you grow spiritually. Include their names in the boxes below yours.
  2. Your Fruit. In the boxes flowing from yours, capture the names of anyone you’ve already helped grow in Christ. Feel free to add more boxes!
  3. Their Fruit. Connect with those you’ve invested in and ask whom they’ve gone on to help grow in Christ. Include them on the tree and pray for their perseverance in following Jesus.
  4. Who Else? Pray for God to reveal who else He is calling you to add to your spiritual family tree through Life-to-Life® discipleship.

Download This Resource to Complete Week 6

Click below to download a shareable version of Your Spiritual Family Tree. Remember to do the following to complete week six of your Digital Discipleship Journey: 

REVIEW the resource 
PRAY to discern how God is calling you to grow and share 
SHARE this resource with someone you care about 
REFLECT on how your faith grew through this experience