Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray

Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray The Navigators

TITLE: Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray

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“Remain in My Love” —John 15:9

Many Christians go to church each week burdened by guilt and shame, believing they are unworthy of God’s full love. In Abide in Christ, Andrew Murray reminds every Christian that God promises His constant presence with them.

In just ten minutes a day, Andrew Murray’s 31-day spiritual guide offers timeless meditations and practical lessons. Move from a divided heart to wholehearted surrender. Your hunger for God’s presence is made to be satisfied—experience a deep, authentic, and ongoing connection with Jesus.

In this edition, Murray’s 19th-century classic features lightly updated language for easier reading, understanding, and connecting with Jesus.

With a foreword and afterword by Doug Nuenke, US president of The Navigators, Abide in Christ will send you into the world even as it draws you into a full life in Christ.

Product Details

Published: November 5, 2019
Binding: Softcover
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.25 in.
Pages: 208
ISBN: 978-1-64158-224-7

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